• :-? Can I keep my hand puppets!?!
    Or are the local gendarmes(sp.?) going to come and get me?

    Let’s go back to local theatre and traveling shows!

    Wait! Do without endless reruns of the Andy Griffith show? NEVER!

  • or I Love Lucy :(

  • I LOVE LUCY?!?!?!?! that show sucks. Its terrible. Im disappointed in you TG

  • I LOVE LUCY RULED!!! that was arguebly the best show on Nick at Nite lol

  • How could you not like I Love Lucy!? :o THat show is a classic. It was sitcom TV the way it was meant to be - the good old times - before reality TV (too many to count), psuedo-gays (Queer Eye, Will and Grace, Ellen Degeneris - though Ellen was really gay but then used that show as propaganda for her gay ideals), psuedo-intellectuals (West Wing), femanazi agendas (Oxygen, Lifetime, Jenny Jones, Rosie O’Donnel), self contradicting shows (Muarry(sp?), Jenny Jones, Jerry Springer - though Springer gets off the hook since he admits to his contradictions), sex shows based on the “real world” (Friends), well you see the list goes on and on.

    1. I Love Lucy is crap
    2. everything you listed is garbage (though Friends is funny, I wouldnt call it a good show)
    3. Shows like South Park, Family Guy, Futurama, and the Simpsons are all things considered, the best shows on tv today. imo.

    1. everything you listed is garbage (though Friends is funny, I wouldnt call it a good show)

    You like Friends… I see you’re beyond the point of redemption.

    South Park and the Simpsons just aren’t funny anymore. Thought they canceled Futurama? Though Family Guy stands on its own. 8)

  • Im not exactly sure whats going on with Futurama, it was cancelled, but then i think they changed their minds, i dunno.
    South Park and the Simpsons are still funny, though the earlier ones were the best.

  • South Park and the Simpsons are still funny, though the earlier ones were the best.

    I have to agree. Never really liked South Park in the first place (though my friends say the show just ran out of ideas) and the “new” Simpsons tries too much to be like Family Guy or involves stuff that just isn’t possible (Homer on weed? :-?) - the old use to be a satire of the modern American atomic family and was great since it mimicked the what the problems of everyday life brilliantly with real life situations (each show giving off a different message, like where Bart, Milhouse, and the smart kid split the Radioactiveman comic) - not Homer being sent to space or something. :-?

  • The only three shows I watch on TV are (in order of importance):

    1.) The Shield
    2.) The O’Reilly Factor
    3.) Hannity and Colmes

  • D**n! I deleted a long post! Anyway, concise version:

    Futurama, think it’s cancelled, reruns on Cartoon Network

    South Park, good, not great

    Simpsons, perennial classic, new direction of shows sometimes disturbing.

    Family Guy, sucks they cancelled it.

    For “classic” TV, my picks> MAS*H and the original Batman!

  • MAS*H is great, and Batman is just great for comedy relief. :lol:

  • Holy General Discussion Batman!

  • Once I recognized the liberal spin MASH took a giant step down on my “All Time Hits List”

    Speaking of animated materials…has anyone seen the animated darker version of SPAWN? A friend of mine has the 4-5 tape set. I loved it cause it was darker than the Batman movies.

  • SPAWN is great. The Batman movies werent that dark (except Returns) but they were really bad films, though entertaining movies (not that great in that aspect either). A new Batman is coming out that is like Batman: Year One, so it could potentially be a GOOD batman movie. we’ll see

  • Once I recognized the liberal spin MASH took a giant step down on my “All Time Hits List”

    Liberal spin? Please explain.

    The Batman movies werent that dark (except Returns) but they were really bad films, though entertaining movies (not that great in that aspect either).

    I dunno. I consider myself a comic book fan and the first two Batmans were pretty good. The other two after them were just impotent.

  • @TG:

    Once I recognized the liberal spin MASH took a giant step down on my “All Time Hits List”

    Liberal spin? Please explain.

    Please, who isn’t until it’s the last option.
    Portraying everyone ranked above Hawkeye, BJ and Trapper as basically bloodthirsty, fools, idiots or insane(Col. Flagg, the insane Gen.[played by Harry Morgan pre-Col. Potter], the Korean Col.[?] just to name a few.

    Of course they did personalize the idiotic, adulterous, drunken Col. Blake and the horse-loving old war-horse Col. Potter, as well as Maj. Winchester and Major Hoolihan.

    Recall that MASH began it’s run in the fall of 1972 when the value of being anti-war had been pushed to the max by the liberal anti-war news media. So the CBS(?) network cashed in on it.

    Lots of veterans see some value in MASH as it shows a little of the brutallity of war. But it is the human humor that I enjoy the most, not the military humor(though occassionally they get that right, too.)

  • Anti-war. Me thinks most shows/movies are anti-war. And I don’t think it’s a liberal/conservative issue either. Not all conservatives are bloodthirsty. :wink:

    Portraying everyone ranked above Hawkeye, BJ and Trapper as basically bloodthirsty, fools, idiots or insane(Col. Flagg, the insane Gen.[played by Harry Morgan pre-Col. Potter], the Korean Col.[?] just to name a few.

    Actually, I think you may have a point on this one. :)

  • You dont have to be bloodthirsty to be pro-war. Im a prime example. And who the hell voted yes?

  • Moderator


    Who the hell voted “yes”? :wink:

    Me 8)

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