Historical Flaws of the US Democrat and Republican parties..

  • @Yanny:

    Mistakes by Democrats:

    The Civil War

    Are we talking about the Congress, the Southern Democrats, or who here? This part of US history I’m a little fuzzy on…

  • The Civil War? Where are the democrats in this?

  • I’m not sure…I know that by 1860 we had Democrats and Republicans because Lincoln was the first Republican president, so there were Democrats, I’m just trying to figure out why it was the Democrats’ fault.

  • i dont know what yanny is trying to say, but the majority of southerners were democrat, so that might be what he means

  • I see.

  • The Democrats basically went “Don’t elect us and we leave the Union”, causing the civil war.

    The Republicans during the 1920s set up the Great Depression.

  • Go on.

  • Reconstruction - Southern Democrats basically worked to counter anything the Northerners tried to build. Especially when it came to civil rights. We could of ended 1866-1970 style racism right there, but we didn’t.

  • What are you talking about, Republicans stripped many whites in the South of the right to vote… :-? Also the Republicans were out for revenge against the South.

  • @Yanny:

    The Democrats basically went “Don’t elect us and we leave the Union”, causing the civil war.

    The Republicans during the 1920s set up the Great Depression.

    Actually the Dmoecrats split into two parties in the election of Lincoln. To southerners the election of Lincoln was the ultimate offense against them because he was for making new states free soil. The Republicans of the 19th century were the more progressive and liberal party and the Democrats of the 19th century were the more conservative party. Nowadays that seems to have reversed.

  • the republicans stripped former confederates of the right to vote, and those in states who they hadnt formally allowed back into the union

  • the republicans stripped former confederates of the right to vote, and those in states who they hadnt formally allowed back into the union

    That’s also because Republicans in Congress reversed the conditions set forth by Lincoln for readmittance into the Union - making them much more strict.

  • I find it interesting that most of the events/actions we’ve mentioned and the couple discussed are from long ago.

    As stated when the parties stood for something they don’t now.

    The last of the Democrats to vote against Civil Rights are retired from the Senate and the House, too, I think.

    We don’t really know the truth about Watergate. I know G. Gordon Liddy is still sueing John Dean over some things he said. Supposedly he ratted everybody out his own way to cover his sas.

  • I hear enough bitching from both sides about recent events. More interesting to debate history :)

    Its a shame 'ole Abe was killed, our country might be a much better place.

  • Or would it?! He twisted the US Constitution more than any president. Clinton and Nixon would be minor league to his All-Star status.

  • true, he did mess with the constitution, but personally, i think he was fully justified.

  • Wonder why nobody wrote a book as if…

    …Lincoln survived and reconstruction went his way(1865 - 1872[including the presidency of Lincoln’s VP to continue reconstruction, as if the South voted for Republicans in 1868.])

    …Lincoln survived, things went as above and we see the world from 2005 without ever having had poll taxes, the KKK, lynchings, segregation, Confederate flags on Southern state capitals or on Southern state flags, just to name a few things.

  • No idea. I do know there have been books written where the South won the Civil War, they weren’t strong enough to take over the Union, instead the South was the CSA and the North was still the US.

  • true, he did mess with the constitution, but personally, i think he was fully justified.

    I guess nobody knows ol’ Abe was a racist too, right?

    No idea. I do know there have been books written where the South won the Civil War, they weren’t strong enough to take over the Union, instead the South was the CSA and the North was still the US.

    Yeah, there’s no way the South could’ve defeated the North in a offensive war.

    …Lincoln survived, things went as above and we see the world from 2005 without ever having had poll taxes, the KKK, lynchings, segregation, Confederate flags on Southern state capitals or on Southern state flags, just to name a few things.

    It’s a shame that they took down the Confederate flag from the SC state capitol. Revisionist bastards. :-?

  • It doesnt matter whether or not he was a rascist, the fact is, if indeed he was, he put it aside to free them. If so, that could arguably make him a better person than somebody who wasnt rascist.

    El Jefe I believed mentioned the KKK. but its interesting to note that it began merely as a social club, and eventually saw the power its night rides had, particularly over blacks. also, the KKK we know and love (bad joke) today is not the same one, but was founded in I believe 1915.

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