@monsieurmurdoch I am not sure how these house rules would interplay with 40 since the scope of warfare was so different. Hospitals and ambulance customization could. I hope you can find a 1914 game. Keep an eye out. And, I do have some plans for barb wire, trenches, etc. Thanks for the feedback!
1914 map tweaks
No, but its about the same size as France, so it looks silly as one big tt, especially with multiple coastlines. I’d also give (non-aligned neutral) Spain a fleet in SZ 14, just in case anyone would like to add ships to the enemy sea power.
In any case, that was the wrong map; this is the latest.
Flash, maybe there is a chance for Tirol if you move the Vienna tt a little bit eastwards?
My wishes for correcting the official map were these:
Splitting up Prussia into Pommerania (2IPCs) and (East)Prussia (3 IPCs) with the historical bordes to Livonia, also correcting SZ 11 from South Sweden to Memel, Berlin gets therefore only 6 IPCs, tts of Munich and Kiel should be also enlarged to their correct size .
Splitting up Livonia into Livonia(Lithuania) (2IPcs) and Tallinn(Riga) (2IPCs) while reducing Poland -1IPC and Sevastopol -1IPC. Tallinn(Riga) should be the step for the Germans between Livonia(Lithuania) and the Victory City St. Petersburg.
Splitting up Karelia into Karelia (2IPCs) and St.Petersburg (Capital) (4IPCs), while reducing Moscow -3IPcs and Ukraine -1IPC.
Making Portugal (and Greece) aligned to Britain. Serbia and Belgium worth 3 IPC, Romania and Bulgaria worth 4 IPCs and Switzerland pleeze impassable.
Washington has to be worth 40 IPCs. USW Zones in 3,4,7,8,9,15
(maybe divide mesopotamia into bagdad and armenia and change burgundy into champagne…)
6)Finally a turntracker for half years instead of the useless IPC–tracker:
1 Aug-Dec 1914
2 Jan-Jun 1915 Italy Flag (War Entry)
3 Jul-Dec 1915
4 Jan-Jun 1916 Tanks symbol
5 Jul-Dec 1916
6 Jan-Jun 1917 US Flag (War Entry)
7 Jul-Dec 1917 Sovjet Flag (Symbol for checking the Russian Rev.)
8 Jan-Jun 1918
9 Jul-Dec 1918
10 Jan-Jun 1919
11 Jul-Dec 1919
12 Jan-Jun 1920If this wishes come true someday with an xxl printing, I would die as a happy man :-)
New version for Chacmool:
Thanks Flash this is my modified version
I have changed some things…
(using wooden markers as sea mines for example, only one Askari Mobilization zone for every major Power)
I am still not sure about deleted Lorraine looks very hard for France since GE can produce units in Munich
Africa is too large on this map
My House Rule for Mexico is:
At the beginning of R6 ( US war entry), Germany and Britain throw a dice. If Britain has a lower or equal result, the Zimmarman telegramm will be catched by the royal secret service and Wilson will be informed. Mexico will do nothing.
If Germany has a lower result. Mexico is activated (5 Inf 1 Art) and attacks Texas (2 Inf) on Germanys turn.
I have another idea for the gameplay:
Mandatory Attacks (National Objectivs) in the first Round
Austria -> Serbia
Russia -> Preussen
Germany -> Belgium
France -> Elsass
Italy (R2!!) -> TriestAfter R1 there is a drawing for the turn order before every Round. (National Markers will be placed in the right corner at the turn order tracker)
This makes the game much more unpredictable! -
You have a point regarding Munich-Paris; perhaps restoring Lorraine or removing the Munich production centre would be best, but remember this is not based on my latest map!
French mandatory attack on Alsace could be a problem as it is preceeded by the German turn; perhaps make it mandatory for France to EITHER attack at least one German army on French or Belgian homeland soil OR, if there are none, Alsace.
I assume the mandatory Italian Trieste attack is void if Austria has already moved troops into Venice.
UK could be given a MA on Mesopotamia, depending on if you treat Turkey as at war from the start.
The random turn order idea can be unbalancing in area control games (tried this is Britannia a few times); an alliance could get 6 successive turns!
Draw the first power randomly; any power attacked by it has the option of playing next; if there are several they must choose between themselves who gets the immediate counter-attack.
I want to keep Munich as production centre with the one-zone-land unit movement,
so i think Lorraine has to be restored.Its hard to print because the map is not as high definition like IL�s. Could you send me
a file of the map per mail? I want to play this map soo badly… -
Sorry, but I only do maps in simple Paint bitmaps.
That’s as high a resolution as I go, but you’re welcome to use the maps as a template for something sharper.
I am working on this map now. Seize of Africa is smaller and much more like the original map.
Will take some days but I hope I finish it before August 1…
Flashman could you please help me with Flags, IPC-Numbers, USW-Signs, tt-scripture?
No Hejaz?
Had to change colours for my own palette.
Did you want Petrograd as joint capital?
I still prefer Rome reaching the Adriatic - its too small as it is.
Looks Nice!
How would Hejaz and the rest of Trans Jordan look like !?
What do you think about the Sea Zones in the med?
I am not sure about AHs possible easy invasion of South Italy now…How much IPCs should Texas get? I was thinking about 5 IPC as it also represents some other states in the South of US that Mexico wanted to get back.
Could you please keep the old tt-names if possible? (Italians never fought in Upper Austria but in Tyrol, also I am familiar with the old names now even if theyre not correct, they will always remind me on LH when I play)
St. Petersburg (1914) as a joint capital please…
Do you have the flags of the minor powers also?
Since I am printing it on XXL Rome will be big enough for me
What do you think about tt of Montenegro? (guess I know because its even smaller than Rome)
But maybe we could just add 1 IPC in that tt, same colour as Serbia, if Serbia survives R1 they get one Inf and Art R2 as Montenegrian Reinforcements.Will make a wishlist for the IPCs…
I still like Victory Cities in this game to provide short game victory conditions.
What do you think of Denmark as a combined land/sea area, blocking movement from SZ10 to 11, and the Kiel canal added?
Great job on the maps! I’d like to point out one thing. New Delhi is included as a city in India, but it wasn’t made capital until after WW1.
Mmmm, the capital was officially moved to Delhi in 1911 but the city wasn’t built until 1931!
Probably go with Bombay, then.
There shouldn´t be that focus on Denmark. Historically no power had plans to invade them.
Sea Zones look great now but need USW signs in 3, 4, 9 and 15.
My first wishes for the IPC-changes:
Mexico 3 (4)
USA 35 (war entry R6 without collecting income before)
Texas 5
Belgium 3
Switzerland 6
Serbia 3
Bulgaria 4what do you think?
Can you explain the “new” tts in Africa please?
Which scripture do you use for tt-names ?
Times New Roman 16
Liberia is an American colony; arguably it should be an American aligned neutral.
I don’t see armies marching through the western Sahara, hence the Sahara tt now stretches to the Atlantic.
For Kufra see:
Being generous, Kufra might be worth 1 IPC, hence Austria (landing in North Africa) or Turkey (driving through Egypt) could activate its units.
This version illustrates the Victory City idea.
These serve three functions:
1. 2-space movement is only permitted from VC to VC provided all three tts are friendly. Note that only the Austro-Hungarian and Russian joint capitals feature adjacent VCs.
2. Limited placement of infantry may be permitted in non-capital VCs up to the IPC value.
3. A Central Powers VC index is created stipulating the number of VCs that Alliance must hold at the end of each game round to win, given that a game is not won outright within allotted time limits (replacing the economic victory in the PTR which is a CP walkover). This varies from round to round.
I am not sure about adding more and more tts. The original game seems to go forever, so this could make it even more impossible to get a full victory.
Though I think about dividing Livonia for better protection of the Tzar…Delete Marseille and add Amiens,
Triest (instead of Budapest) and Strassburg (instead of Munich) had been more realistic goals for the Allies.
Kiew instead of Baku
Why did you delete Sevastopol?
I´d prefer to give every tt a small textured “Capital”
Do you have a template I can use for IPC numbers?
Why did you stretch the Thuringia tt? It looks weird and Thuringia has nothing to do with Hohenlohe-Franken…
The idea is that the VCs are two spaces apart, joint capitals excepted. For example, if Germany captures Warsaw it becomes a lot easier to move forces into eastern Europe (i.e. from Berlin to Warsaw by 2 space train move). Verdun performs a similar role in the west. These provide major targets to fight over, rather than a simple one space at a time slog towards the enemy capital.
The VCs are primarily goals for the Central Powers; the number they hold after any given turn determines how well they’re doing at that stage, and can determine a “winner” for a game that has to stop there.
The few CP home VCs are really to make them guard against silly mistakes; if the Allies start capturing and holding places like Cologne and Budapest they’ve pretty much won already. But its the number held by the CP that determines success, not the greatest number overall.
I prefer this over Larry’s “economic victory” because it can reflect the fact that the CPs are in essence the “attacking” alliance in the early game; under EV its a virtually certain CP win, allowing them to just take a few objectives and then defend them until time runs out. Under VCs, they have to keep attacking.
Why is it a fact that the CPs were the “attacking alliance”? The Entente wanted to conquer CP-tts even more than CPs wanted French/Russian soil.
Biggest joke of the game is that it gives the impression that even AH is the aggresor against Italy, wtf?!
First soldiers that crossed the borders in 1914 were Russians. Russia made the first attacks in East Prussia and in Galicia.
Same in the west where french frontierguards entered the Sundgau before the German Mobilization was even finished.
France wanted to regain Elsass-Lothringen and wasnt expecting that the Germans overrun Belgium and its fortificatians as quick as they did. (GE had no other choice to do so, Belgium was not THAT neutral and was willing to allow the french and british army a march through while in the east 1.2 Million Russian soldiers marched towards Berlin/Vienna)
As LH would say, this is not WWII…
I prefer to have a 12 Round game with more historical rules (Mobilization of Minor Powers, Italy/USA in special (later) Rounds)
If CPs don´t manage to take over Paris or London they´re doomed. fact. Like in the real war. These are the only VCs for the CPs together with Rome or Petrograd/Moscow. Do you believe there would have been a rightful peace under other circumstances for example if CPs hold Verdun, Warzawa, Venice and Kiev? No way. Only thing here is to give GE a better Starting Set up (for example 4 Inf for Kiel, 3 Art for Hannover and esp. some more for Ruhr) and let them play this game against time with some kind of a chance untill US is feelable on the western front. The CPs have no time to waste because the 4 countries are economically outclassed against the rest of the world.
I am more interested in your rules regarding the two Capital Cities of Russia, the Russian Revolution and reds vs whites.
What do you think of the possibility of Mexico invading the US?
Even USW and Askari needs to be talked about. Which tts in Africa should have an Askari sign? I was thinking about placing one Inf. per turn for every Round of play. (like the other Inf worth 3 IPC otherwise BE produces Askari in Egypt and attacks OE with this “cheap” Inf.) -
I am not clompletely done with my german game map. (still have to work on Africa and Mid-East)
Made a connection of Petrograd and Belarus.
2 new tts for AH.