I just beat the computer in three turns…

  • I played both Japan and Germany and won and economic victory in three turns! Final tally was 97 combined IPCs per turn for Germ and Jap. The computer AI totally sucked. I had it on the most difficult setting and the only offense any of the three allied’s put up was to attack my German atlantic fleet, and a couple strategic bombing runs on Germany. Japan went TOTALLY unchecked. Russia never attacked ANYTHING. Something seriously needs to be fixed. :evil:

  • Yep … try playing against other players (Host or Join a game).

  • The computer AI is a complete and total joke, my favorite was when the US would by nothing but subs, then never place them. I know the patch fixed this, but the bone head moves never stopped. But follow Biggs advice and take up a game here or with one of the clubs, will really let you test your A&A mights against a more formidable opponent.

  • Ditto…the AI sucks. However, if you are still totally desperate, put in on 3 star not 5 star, actually plays a wee bit better, and double the computers starting units. Then it ought take at least 4 turns :)

  • Only problem with online play is that I work nights, 11pm-7am, so my schedule is fubar. I havent played a game versus anyone in about 6-7 years. I would look forward to it though. If anyone needs another in their group, online or rt, Im in Northern Minnesota, Duluth.

  • @Dhirvish:

    Only problem with online play is that I work nights, 11pm-7am, so my schedule is fubar. I havent played a game versus anyone in about 6-7 years. I would look forward to it though. If anyone needs another in their group, online or rt, Im in Northern Minnesota, Duluth.

    you should come on up to Winnipeg and join me 'n Mr. Ghoul for a game. Lemme know next time you’ve left the country.

  • @cystic:

    sheeee-atttt!!you should come on up to Winnipeg and join me 'n Mr. Ghoul for a game. Lemme know next time you’ve left the country.

    you normally travel several hundred miles to play A&A? :D

  • good heavens!
    I’ve driven through MN before (to Minn), but i’d forgotten that Duluth is closer to Thunder Bay! Whoops, my bad. When you said “northern MN” i’m thinking of Warroad . . . sorry.

  • Thanks for the invite cc, but Grig is right, that would be quite a road trip for a game of A&A. I have friends 2 hours away in the Twin Cities that play, and thats closer, hehe. Even TBay is about 3.5 hours away from Duluth, Winipeg a wee bit farther than that :-?

  • @Dhirvish:

    Thanks for the invite cc, but Grig is right, that would be quite a road trip for a game of A&A. I have friends 2 hours away in the Twin Cities that play, and thats closer, hehe. Even TBay is about 3.5 hours away from Duluth, Winipeg a wee bit farther than that :-?

    yeah - about 10 hours more or so. Of course a lot of that is driving around lakes and stuff.
    Ah well.

  • i’m not sure if it was turn 2 or turn 3, but I can capture any 2 of the 3 allied capitals by that time. It has been awhile since I have played the ai.

  • @Dhirvish:

    Only problem with online play is that I work nights, 11pm-7am, so my schedule is fubar. I havent played a game versus anyone in about 6-7 years. I would look forward to it though. If anyone needs another in their group, online or rt, Im in Northern Minnesota, Duluth.

    If/when I get back home to WI, I might give you a call. :)

  • Only problem with online play is that I work nights, 11pm-7am, so my schedule is fubar. I havent played a game versus anyone in about 6-7 years. I would look forward to it though. If anyone needs another in their group, online or rt, Im in Northern Minnesota, Duluth.

    I recently came back from Minnesota (though in the Twin City Region), great place and a fishman’s dream. Too bad I didn’t catch anything… :cry:

    As for the AI in the game… I’ve seen worse – for the Axis. Using a Russkie transport and a UK one on T2, I was able to take Berlin. Take that Hitler! :P
    Tokyo is harder since the Japanese AI tends to stack heavily in the island.

  • Sure Grig where you at (going to be) in Wis? Youre overseas right now right?

  • Ya TG most Minnesotans raised with either fishing pole in their hand and/or skates on their feet. Where did you fish? Parents have a cabin up north on a lake.

  • I was fishing up on Ten-Mile Island and Leech Lake. Those places have traditional been good for catching Walleye (sp?), though unfortunately I caught nothing larger then some small Largemouth Bass. However, I heard that fishing has been poor this summer in that state, so who knows?

  • @Dhirvish:

    Sure Grig where you at (going to be) in Wis? Youre overseas right now right?

    Well, I’m not certain as to when I’ll be back, but as to where, the town is Park Falls. If you’ve heard of it, then you know more about WI than about 99% of Wisconsinites I’ve met. :D

  • TG, ya Leech Lake is supposed to be really good fishing. Unfortunately become EXTREMELY popular destination last several years, so probably fished out. Largemouth is usually what is left after that happens. Lake my cabin is on used to have all kinds of herring in it, now just small Lg bass left, and some deep lake trout.

    Never heard of Park Falls Grig, but in my experience Wis has a heck of a lot of small towns. I dont think there is anything west of GB or Milw that has more than 25 people right? :lol:

  • TG, ya Leech Lake is supposed to be really good fishing. Unfortunately become EXTREMELY popular destination last several years, so probably fished out. Largemouth is usually what is left after that happens. Lake my cabin is on used to have all kinds of herring in it, now just small Lg bass left, and some deep lake trout.

    Thanks for the info. Really wished I could’ve catched a pike or something, but I guess I’ll have to try somewhere else.

  • @Dhirvish:

    Never heard of Park Falls Grig, but in my experience Wis has a heck of a lot of small towns. I dont think there is anything west of GB or Milw that has more than 25 people right? :lol:

    True dat. However, if you have any experience of WI at all being in Duluth, you should know of Ashland, about an hour E of Duluth. Park Falls is about an hour south of there. 8)

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