Thank you so much!
My 3rd playtest Turns 1-8 review
Well, in the house rules you have given Germany the buff of the Munich factory, India nerfed to 4 units/turn and a couple extra CP ships. While these changes may be needed, I think we need more OOB games to determine how overpowered the Allies are.
I was interested in how you are winning as the CPs OOB.
So initially:
Austria -> Italy (Do you attack Romaina or leave it for the Russians to activate?)
Germany, Ottoman -> Russia (Do you attack France or build up a defensive front?)Germany, Austria not engage enemy ships directly but utilize ‘fleet in being’ by slowly building up and using mines as an extra defender? Thus forcing the UK to build a bigger and bigger navy to compete with Germany and protect British transports? Thus less money for India?
In that case why wouldn’t the UK play a bit more defensive in Africa/Mid East so as to not let Germans/Ottomans run rampant there? Or is this a lesson you learned in this game? I’m still trying to get my head wrapped around the 1914 rules.
Perhaps there is something in the strategy of concentrating Austria against the west, maybe Germany attacking east? If both are split between two fronts they both become overstretched, and never have enough reinforcements.
I’ve always felt that the French navy is rather overpowered in the setup. I can understand the two secondary factories being limited to 4 units, but this does cramp the UK a lot; my experience is that it places enough units in India to do the job - this can be a large stack of 8 units (to invade Persia) one turn, then nothing for 2 or 3 turns after that. If they are having shipping problems back home, then India is an outlet to keep pressure up without losing the ability to attack.
The central powers can’t win OOB with any strategies I’ve played. However I ended my first 2 games pretty early.
Turn 8 Review:
Well, Rome was just taken by a joint Ottoman-Austrian attack. Now the hordes of Central Powers troops will thrust the wheel of industry upon Paris. Oh, how it must feel to be crushed by a million angry Germanic men. Burgundy is even stacked with 21 French infantry, but still it is a losing battle. Both the Austrians and the Ottomans have 3 transports and are having no trouble getting men into Western Europe. The USA is still stuck at 20 IPCs and they couldn’t even take the 1 TT assigned for them (Belgium). They will try to send another wave of fresh recruits, but they will just be cannon fodder for the German guns. Now it is a race to Paris. Who will win, the Ottomans, Germans, or Austrians? With the world watching, the fate of democracy is in the fate of a few brave Parisian men. This has been a very fun game and I am glad the CPS have finally pulled out a victory. Stay tuned for the exciting final 2 rounds.
Turns 9-11 Review:
Well just finished the game and it was an overwelming Central Powers victory. In the end, the CP’s controlled all but UK, Canada, USA, and a few Russian TT’s that were locked after Revolution (Denmark, Holand, Spain, Norway, Sweden were also not taken). This was a very fun game, and I think the Munich factory might be a little much. It seems to overpower France. I had the game won at turn 8. However, I wasn’t able to capture Paris until turn 11 (due to trying to get all my troops transported up. The Ottomans kicked ass because I failed to build enough units in India. I sent around 30 USA troops in all to Picady and Belgium and they did absolutly nothing. I think they would have been better served in Albania or somewhere in the east to drain IPCs from Austria or Ottomans. The CP’s ended with 159 IPCS and control of the Med sea. I’m not sure if it was the fact that I didn’t use USA to its full advantage or if I let India fall that lost it for the Allies.
Has anyone played a game with the Munich factory? Do you think it adds too much power to Germany. I feel it does. The only thing the allies have going for them is the slow supply lines of the CP’s. In this game, I had a pretty quick time getting units to France.
Total rounds:11 Total game time: 16.5 hours over the course of 5 days (solo test play). very long game if you play it out to the victory conditions. I could have ended at round 8 and just played 12 hours. That is still a long game not to have finished. Well it was fun.
Would you guys like me to post pics from roundds 2-11?
hell yeah…whatever you got. love it. great round by round gameplay. would love for some guys to have a website and post pictures and detail every round - units purchased (with pics of map), individual battle results, etc. etc. great job…very enjoyable ready.
The central powers can’t win OOB with any strategies I’ve played. However I ended my first 2 games pretty early.
They can win OOB, I have played two games thus far, each side winning once.
In addition to the Munich factory I’ve added Petrograd & Tsaritsyn as Russian PCs, so the Allies too have more placement options.
It means that every tt in Russia apart from Poland is within 1 space of a PC, same advantage that Munich gives to Germany.
I didn’t say they couldn’t win. I just said they haven’t won in my OOB games. I’ve only had 3 so not much to lean on.
The biggest mistake I have seen is Germany contesting too many territories in the west. You simply can’t produce enough infantry to sustain that. I have found hitting hard through Belgium is effective while leaving Lorraine and definitely Switzerland alone.
The biggest mistake I have seen is Germany contesting too many territories in the west. You simply can’t produce enough infantry to sustain that. I have found hitting hard through Belgium is effective while leaving Lorraine and definitely Switzerland alone.
I don’t know about that- hitting Switzerland gives you a lot of flexibility to hit Italy or Southern France.