If you’ll check closely Yanny, you will see I did not say HALO was the greatest game ever made, I said it was the best game of its genre, and is certainly one of the 100 best ever. Bossk, please tell me what you mean by “ultimate gaming experience” if not exactly what HALO is, a completely immersive, theatrical experience. Certainly Asteroids can not meet that, unless your definition is very off. An addictive game yes, but in no way a gaming experience, mearly a time waster. Zelda, yes, a good game, but two differences. First, and RPG, vastly different category from an FPS. Second, many of the Zelda games pale in comparison to HALO, while fun, they are basic hack/slash games with no real excitement, merely fun, addictive, eventually repetitive motions that lose interest after a while. Similarly, it has very little replayability unless you would care to do the same exact thing (which took quite awhile) again. also, i dont recall a difficulty setting (i may be wrong). HALO is so immersive, i have replayed it many times. And the difficulty settings provide a level of replayability and excitement unmatched. I would ask you what exactly makes Dark Forces, Doom, or Wolfenstein the best FPS ever. All I can see are the most basic, simple, scaled down FPSs ever (DOOM didnt even have objectives, just run through killing things) while they are all fun, I would say to you they lack a “personality”. I never got nearly as immersed in them as in HALO. HALO even has books, including a prequel, and i must say, they are actually quite good.