• '19 Moderator

    I hear this question a couple years ago and have contmplated it several times.

    You and the person you love most in the world are placed in separate locked rooms and told that in one hour you will both be killed if one of you doesn’t push the button in your cell. The button instantly kills the person that presses it. If one of you pushes the button at the end of the hour the other will be let free. You have no way of knowing if the other person pushes the button until the hour is up.

    What do you do?

    Does it make a difference to you who the person is?

  • What if you love no one?

    “I won´t disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
    If I never loved, I never would have cried.”

  • '19 Moderator

    Then I guess you would wait the hour eh?

  • I’d pull the button out’ve the wall and sharpen it with my teeth and by scraping it against the floor, then when the guard opens the door to kill me i’d stab him in the eye with my button, grab his gun, and escape in a helicopter which i called in advance by tapping morse code against the ceiling to be intercepted by my near-by mountain radio crew :)

  • '19 Moderator

    Ah… Inginuity… you must be American!

    Just kidding to all of you forigners that I like. Those of you that I don’t like stick it!

  • Nnnnope! Canadian 8)

  • '19 Moderator

    Canadians are just pretentious Americans.


  • Except the French ones, they are just plain pretentious.

  • i would push the button to save the life of my loved one. if you truly love the person you would value their life over yours. so if you take the question seriously i think you would push the button ;)

  • i’d definitely push the button.
    I would not want to live with myself having allowed my loved one to die.

  • '19 Moderator

    One of the reasons I posted this here, is that when I first read this question I thought “push the button of course”. But I thought about it quite a bit and now I’m not so sure.

    If the person in the other room is some one I truely care about then the odds are that person feel equaly as strong for me. So, sinse you have no way of knowing what happens in the othe cell until it is to late, you might be pushing the button to save someone that has already pushed the button themselvs. :-?

    So, I have determined that it depends on the person in the other room. Not nessacerly dependent on the degree to which I love the person either.

    If it was one of my parents, I know they would push the button, therefore I would not. I can live with the fact that one of my parents gave their life for me.

    If it was one of my children, I push the button with no futher thought. I couldn’t bear to think that my child felt the need to sacrifice themselves for me. If he/she did push the button, well then I guess I hope for the after life.

    If it was my wife I would be faced with the most dificult decision of all. I know my wife would push the button. This leaves me to decide if I can live with her sacrifice.

    I honestly don’t know.

  • I’d pull the button out’ve the wall and sharpen it with my teeth and by scraping it against the floor, then when the guard opens the door to kill me i’d stab him in the eye with my button, grab his gun, and escape in a helicopter which i called in advance by tapping morse code against the ceiling to be intercepted by my near-by mountain radio crew

    What if the guard just shoots you in your cell? No need to open the door then.

  • :o hmmm… then instead of attacking the guard myself, i’d morse code to my mountain crew to launch a tactical nuclear strike against the facility, but not before I use my sharpened button to burrow myself in the floor :)

  • lol

  • @dezrtfish:

    You and the person you love most in the world are placed in separate locked rooms and told that in one hour you will both be killed (1)if one of you doesn’t push the button in your cell. The button instantly kills the person that presses it. (2)If one of you pushes the button at the end of the hour the other will be let free. You have no way of knowing if the other person pushes the button until the hour is up.

    What do you do?

    A few ?s
    (1) see above…What if both press the button? Will both die?
    (2) see above…What if one of you pushes the button before the hour is up?
    (3) Are you both told the above while you are together? Make a quick plan!

    If no more information is available…
    I would smack the button the second I walked into the room! :o

  • '19 Moderator

    (1) see above…What if both press the button? Will both die?


    (2) see above…What if one of you pushes the button before the hour is up?

    The one that pushes the button is killed and the other does not know until the hour is up.

    (3) Are you both told the above while you are together? Make a quick plan!

    No, That would defeat the purpose of the exercise :)

  • A new question…
    First pick your favourite male politician/star/sports figure.
    You must chose one option from each of the following questions…
    Now, would you rather hug the person you chose or Michael Moore?
    Would you rather kiss the person you chose or Michael Moore?
    Would you rather f(expletive deleted)k the person you chose or Michael Moore? You must really like (fill in the blank!)

    My choice was Pee Wee Herman.
    I figured whatever the result,
    I could kick his sas!


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