He has Wolf - it’s on the variants board
Would deleting pages of posts from A&A or Gen Disc. help
Just a ?
I looked back and saw some embarassing rookie/moderator posts!
Not to say that I don’t have a few of my own. :oops: :) -
Meaning would it help cut down the size of the data base? Unless I deleted lots and lots of posts, I don’t think it would make much of a difference.
I think there is a way to retire threads after a certain number of days of inactivity. Shall I put that on?
You could try that on one of the Uberforum.
What about creating fora under the A&A forum for general ?s like …
- Mixed land/air unit moves
- Mixed land and sea unit moves
Maybe just - mixed air/land/sea unit moves
and - Aircraft Carriers(CV/CA)
- Anti-Aircraft(AA)
- Fighters(ftr/ftrs)
- Transports(trn/trns)
just a few examples … :-? :)