• I got a quick question. I was wondering if it was bright of me (the germans) to build and IC in Libya. I do it because I need to make sure the Allies don’t land there after I secure and I dont want to take forever sending transports there (even though they are very close from southern Europe.) My master evil plan (which sucks because I do) is always set up my invasion forces in Africa and cross the Suez canal and attack southern Russia and support Japan. That way, while I’m attacking the Russians in the Caucausus, I can move up through Persia, support my attack on Caucasus on a second front and kick the British out of Japan. There’s more to it, but to state my question again: Is an IC in Libya (or that relative area in Africa) a good idea? Getting the money isn’t that hard because you just keep having a tank blitz African territories, gaining one or two territories a turn. That makes the IC worth buying, along with an AA gun.

  • There really isn’t all that much of Africa TO conquer in the first place. All it really is, is a boost in money and that’s about it. If you diverted your attention to the eastern front with Russia, you could probably make twice as much money quicker. Doing things that are too complex and slow-moving will usually result in somebody catching on and thwarting you.

  • well, if germany could effectively stay on defense in easteren europe and be very offensive in africa and middle east (and eventually asia) while japan runs wild as well, that might spell trouble for the allies, but i am not really sure. i would have to try out this strategy before i am 100% sure that it would work. it would be VERY difficult to hold off russia, Uk and US at the same time as germnay, so i cannot really say if it would work

  • I can’t believe what a horrible plan this is. Dropping 15 ipcs for a factory that cranks out 1 unit a turn will NOT stave any kind of a remotely perceivably realistic attempt at taking Africa.
    If you’re going to waste 15 ipcs on “not 5 inf”, then maybe in Egypt or something something less “take-over-able”. I know my grammer sucks, but that’s just to illustrate what a bad plan this is.
    Those 5 inf would be much better served:

    1. Defending West Eu
    2. Defending East Eu
    3. Cannon Fodder
    4. Swimming up to battleships to hit them with sticks.
      Lybia would be taken over the turn after ALG is taken, so maybe it would last until US3 against any kind of a determined Allies player. This would give them easier control of Africa than you ever had. At least in Egypt you’re closer to India and South Africa, you can pump out 2 units/turn, it’s less reinforceable, so you might as well have it there (if you put it in Libya, well, that could be reinforced anyway, so it would be kind of like “gilding the lily” for lack of a better simile.
      Hope i’m not being too harsh. I just want to impress upon you what a bad idea i think this is. If you get backing from Zero or SUD, then i’ll back off. If you really want to try it, then i’ll take you in an RR, Axis bid of 10 game, me playing Allies.

  • well it would be hard to overcome the loss of “not 5 men”, but maybe you could put the IC in egypt? no no nevermind cystic’s right it wouldn’t work. even if you could be getting 2 tanks out per turn in egypt that would still not be as good as the 5 men initially for the IC and then the 3 men every turn you’re losing b/c of the 2 tanks you’re buying

  • @MajorC:

    I got a quick question. I was wondering if it was bright of me (the germans) to build and IC in Libya. I do it because I need to make sure the Allies don’t land there after I secure and I dont want to take forever sending transports there (even though they are very close from southern Europe.) My master evil plan (which sucks because I do) is always set up my invasion forces in Africa and cross the Suez canal and attack southern Russia and support Japan. That way, while I’m attacking the Russians in the Caucausus, I can move up through Persia, support my attack on Caucasus on a second front and kick the British out of Japan. There’s more to it, but to state my question again: Is an IC in Libya (or that relative area in Africa) a good idea? Getting the money isn’t that hard because you just keep having a tank blitz African territories, gaining one or two territories a turn. That makes the IC worth buying, along with an AA gun.

    THis has got to be the craziest plan and scenario for A and A I have evr heard. I mean, British in Japan, SOuthern EUrope to far from Eqypt, going through Egypt for your attack on Russia?

  • it is pretty crazy, like some strategy my uncle would have ( okay, so we’re gonna take these tanks in england, send 'em through the panama canal, and go straight for japan!!)

  • yeah, ur right it is a horrible plan. I haven’t been playing long I must admit, just got it during Christmas. I got a lot of feedback saying I should keep with attacking Eastern Europe and that area. This I never forget, so I guess I’m not that bad. The American player I play against is usually too busy with Japan to get into Africa, and Russia never does it. Britain is a small problem I have to work with in the African campaign, but despite the 15 IPC’s I “waste”, I still think it’s worth it. But that’s me, not you guys, and you guys would be right not me. I’m thinking it through now and I understand that I shouldnt divert so much attention to all those countries worth 1 IPC in Africa. I should keep on Russia, and have my Japanese friends keep the pressure on the Russians when possible. About IC’s in general, where would the best place to build one and under what circumstances? I figured I’d ask considering this is all about ICs in the first place. Anywho, have a nice day everybody!

  • Well, not to butt in, but the people I’ve played with call this “the English gambit” because the idea is to make England cashless as fast as possible. It only makes sense to put the factory in the country worth 2 IPC’s, (Egypt?) not the 1 IPC country.

    The strategy goes like this: T1 Germany, factory on Egypt. The rest of the game, buy 1 tank & 1 inf for Egypt, spend the rest on inf to buy time in Europe.

    Japan T1, ignore US fleet, take Australia, put two factories on the mainland. T2, pump tanks & inf on mainland and pull all navy back to Japan to defend.

    Basically Germany goes all defense except for Africa and Japan does all the work trying to kill Russia. Russia can’t really take advantage of Germany being so passive because they need to keep sending forces east… which is pretty far for allied support.

    Also the US player must decide whether to roll up the undefended islands around Japan (bad idea generally) or attack Africa (better) or keep with the plan and attack W.Europe (best). Often a less experienced US player will choose wrongly, faced with a strong start for Japan.

    Makes for an interesting game. It only seems to work about a third of the time against good players, but even when it doesn’t, at least it’s not the same old game as every other time.

  • thankyou guest that’s the reply i was looking for!

  • Now Guest - i like your idea.
    Problem - still don’t like shifting 15 ipcs away from Germany. Could be done with an aggressive enough Japan.
    Also that second Jap IC would have to wait until J2.
    Also Major C - i feel kind of bad. It’s great that you are trying new things, and keep working on them as you might stumble on to something that would blow the rest of us out of the water.

  • Don’t feel bad. I’ve got plenty of other ideas! All bad, but I try! :D

  • that last guest message was by me I just forgot to sign in.

  • MAjorc don’t get too down on yourself. depending on how good the russian player is, you may be forced to take africa.
    for the axis to win you have to strike quickly to eliminate at least one opponent. MOST of the people here agree on that. if I’m playing against some good defenses I do divert forces to africa - although nothing as reckless as an IC- :lol:
    two men and your bomber is enough to take it without serious difficulty. and if japan can dispatch with india and australia -UK is effectively eliminated. - holding it may be another issue- but america can’t be effective against africa and japan, and it takes too many turns to build an invasion forse with the UKs 8ipcs.

    purely argumentative banter.

  • Now it’s been a while since I’ve played, so bear with me… but I’m pretty sure I remember buying 2 factories with Japan on turn 1? Don’t they have 30 IPC’s at start?

    This assumes RR, so Japan can pull back forces from whatever that northernmost mainland territory is, to the middle one, and put factories in the bottom & middle mainlaind territories. At least I think that’s how we used to do it. Or maybe we attacked that Russian territory at the top during combat, and then put the factories in the top & bottom mainland territories. I can’t remember. :)

    Sorry for not being clearer, again, it’s been a long time since I played and I don’t have a board at work.

  • Hmm… Bringing a force up through Persia is not a bad idea because it can force the Allies to split their defenses between Russia and Karelia enough that the main European force can take Karelia.

    The IC in Lybia is a very bad idea however, because you will never get your money out of it. 2 transports will cost only $1 more. They can transport 2 to 4 times as much as the IC can produce. They can move, they can’t be SBR’d, and they can shoot back on defense.

    Here’s the recommended path.

    • G1 buy 1 TRN and 8 inf. Sink the UK ships at GIB using a spain sub and your bomber. Send 2 planes to kill the UK sub above Egypt. Send your sub and TRN from the baltic and 3 FTRs to kill any fleet at the UK sz. During Non-combat keep your BB, and TRN at SEurope. Bridge 2 INF from Seu to Lybia. Place the new TRN in Seu. You now have 2 TRN which is better than an IC for the cost of just 8 IPCs.

    • G2 load 4 inf and amphibuous assault both Egypt and Syria taking both. Bring your BB and be sure to take your free support shot. Bring planes if the UK reinforced Egypt on UK1. They can land in Lybia or FEA if you control it from G1.

    With control of the canal, your fleet is relatively safe. You can now shuttle tanks and troops into Egypt/Syria/ or Caucaus every turn.

    NOTE: On G3, with control of the canal you can send a transport to take both S.Africa and Madagascar if they are unoccupied by the UK.

    Game on!

  • Im going to write some of this stuff down and try it…
    I’ve got another quick question out of curiosity if that’s okay. When would it be worth invading a neutral country? You see I’m working on a new plan and I wanted to know if incorporating neutral territories was worth it. You have to pay 3 ipcs which could be better spent on infantry, but perhaps you could invade a neutral rather than do an amphibious assault… I dunno, just thinking out loud.

  • @MajorC:

    Im going to write some of this stuff down and try it…
    I’ve got another quick question out of curiosity if that’s okay. When would it be worth invading a neutral country? You see I’m working on a new plan and I wanted to know if incorporating neutral territories was worth it. You have to pay 3 ipcs which could be better spent on infantry, but perhaps you could invade a neutral rather than do an amphibious assault… I dunno, just thinking out loud.

    I have never done it myself. Some people however, like to pay for invading Spain or Peru. Usually its the allies invading Spain. By landing in Spain the Allied troops get an easy beachhead into Europe rather than trying to storm the German defenses in W.Europe.

    Sometimes, If Japan takes control of Hawaii, the Japan player will land troops in Peru the following turn in order to capture Brazil from the US on the following turn by walking in from Peru.

    Some people have suggested Japan Taking Mongolia to divide the Russain defenses, but its too easy for the Russians to just fall back as they normally do under Japanese pressure, and nullify any bonus given to Japan by controlling Mongolia.


  • i have done this before with attacking spain intead of western europe. as i recall, i still won the game, it worked quite well. he then has to split his forces between germnay and france, b/c he doesn’t know which one you will attack (assuming the german navy is dead and you have access to the baltic to attack germnay by sea.) you should try it sometime

  • True, Spain can be an option. Put one INF in Spain and all the tanks you can muster in GIB. This way, Germany can’t attack your armor (unless they have a strong Luftwaffe), but you can blitz to WEU next round combined with an amph assault in Normandy. Should Germany decide to take Spain, no problem. You move in your armor and all the INF you can using your trannies. Should Germany try and attack you after this, you get the benefit of using your INF for defense instead of offense. All in all, you’re better off using two rounds of unloading and then defending than attacking with one round of transports. You can of course also put an AA in there alongside the rest of it.

    As for Mongolia, it has a small advantage; namely that you can threaten both Moscow and India at the same time (not directly of course). Often, as Japan I go for Moscow first, keeping Mongolia, China and Sinkiang, retaking French Indochina every so often, not even worrying about India unless the opportunity presents itself. From Mongolia, this is easier.

    Besides from these two, I could imagine Turkey playing a part as a relay for bombers strafing the Med if Caucasus is unavailable to the Allies. Needless to say, this needs INF backup.

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