[mod]Let us end this episode with these statements. Locked[/mod]
Belated 4200th & Early 4300th post for T_6, Congrats! -
Heh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that… I still have another 500 to go.
well by the time Xi responds…
Speaking of Xi, where is Xi? Is it just me or has Xi not posted in a while.
Yeah, but I dun really worry about it. This isn’t the first time he’s left and came back… 8)
ya Xi hasnt posted latly
Just cruisin the net and find this site.
Usta play this game 20 years ago.Man, looks like this TG Moses IV dude is a chat addict.
Congrats TG on hitting 4000 points. Only 6k left to a million so yo ubetter start working! :wink:
I’m just happy that Xi is back I guess. :)
This stuff about posting about posts is insane. Moses, GeZe, who cares if 1 out of five, 1 out of twentuy posts are yours if your posts are meaningless
The difference is that TG does not seem to care about the number of posts he has.
wait until I get to 5000 and you’ll see… :wink:
You’re slowin’ down,ol’ mon!
Why not 5000 already?Looks like c_c_ is makin’ a run at the #2 position.
At this rate you’ll hit 4300 on Thursday(tomorrow, unless you zippost.)
Were you on vacation or was your CPU in the shop?! :P -
Gone off Civil War Reenacting. 8)
Born to Fight - Forced to work. :evil: -
Kill any bluebellies? :)
Keep up the skeer! :wink: -
Is this red-neck speak for Yankees? :wink:
No, suh! It is an honorable southern gentleman’s quoting his Confederate Corporal great(x3)grandfather’s writings when referring to a barbaric opponent.
For a War of Secession reinactor, you are unaware of some terminology common to the era. :-? -
bluebellies? I sorry… but I’ve been reenacting for quite some time and I haven’t seen that term used very much (if at all). Bluebellies sounds something a New York Yank would say, not a Southern Gentleman. :wink:
This is wawh, suh! Even a gentleman must be accurate when describing snakes that rape, pillage and buhn mah cuhntry! :P :wink: