• A clone is simply a twin.

    That’s not entirely accurate.
    On the outside, they may share similar characteristics and/or traits, but the bad part is what’s inside. Through cloning, you’re taking the DNA (and everything that comes with it; i.e. defects, long-term illnesses, undiscovered cancers, etc.). There’s no telling what could go wrong in a situation like that.

    Also, WRT cloning individual body parts. Is this even practical? How could some scientist possibly just grow a “heart” inside a laboratory withought the rest of the body. :(

  • Actually DS - a clone is more than simply a twin - it has the exact genetic make up, except for the bits of DNA at the end - where the polymerases have to skp due to their 5 primed - to - 3 primed replication processes. Naturally at one end you have the primer, and with the replication process, no genetic material is lost. At the other end, however the beginning, less is replicated because of the need for a primer and a certain length of DNA in order to kick off the replication process. Therefore each replication of a cell’s DNA requires that more genetic material is chopped off the end with each process. If you create a clone from a 40 year old person, you have the genetic material that has had 40 years and 9 months worth of replications (and therefore genetic material) “chopped off” of it. So in this regard it is much different than a twin. After the ends, the material is identical (except of course for the odd 1 in 10 000 or so mutation). As i said, unless you can solve for this problem, you have “Dolly” all over again.
    As you say w.r.t. body parts - the only applicable way of dealing with this is, as mentioned, with stem cells.

  • @Jazz:

    This kinda reminds me of the scene in Jurassic Park, where Malcome says “You you so concerned with whether or not you could, you never stopped to think if you should.”

    and now b4 u know it ur marketing it, pattoning it , and slaped on the side of a plastic lunch box and now ur selling it ur just selling it!

    sry it was just so tempting

  • Exactly. :P

  • @Yanny:

    Stem cell research basically is cloning, just on a smaller scale.

    Cloning complete humans really is pointless. I can’t think of a single practical application for it (except for 2 women wanting to have a baby w/o a male involved, or a male is “ill-prepared” for the task).

    There has been thought by some to purposely clone underaverage intelligent human beings and as they develop to take their organs for other people. I’ve seriously read something on this, just need to find it.

  • anyone read “brave new world”?
    that’s next on my “to read after school stuff” book list.
    please share your opinions.

  • A very creepy and disturbing book. Orgy porgy!

  • and now b4 u know it ur marketing it, pattoning it , and slaped on the side of a plastic lunch box and now ur selling it ur just selling it!

    We laugh now, but who knows what time may tell.

  • Its a weird book. Interesting though.

    On the harvesting organs issue, we don’t need to grow stupid humans to do it. Stem cell research can handle the organs.

  • Well Yanny,
    another way to finish your statment is “we don’t need to grow stupid humans to do it, there are plenty of living stupid humans we can harvest right now!”

  • Hey CC, you just gave me an idea of what to do with Canada :)

  • @Yanny:

    Hey CC, you just gave me an idea of what to do with Canada :)

    And i suppose you guys have been wondering about all those abductions down there. Why do you think that its the people in Alabama, Arkansas, etc. that always see/get abducted by “aliens”.
    Little do you know that Canadian air force technology has not decreased since the Avro Arrow, and our American harvesting program has really stepped up with recent immunosuppression advances.

  • LOL, devious canucks. :wink:

  • @cystic:

    anyone read “brave new world”?
    that’s next on my “to read after school stuff” book list.
    please share your opinions.

    Aldous Huxley has conjured a dystopia where love is wrong, sex is oh too cheap, function is pre-ordained, identity is just about worthless. And then there’s Soma, the free ubiquitous dope that massages all anxieties, glueing together a society that has no apparent goal beyond efficient expansion of the hive. Woe – such a world, where there is no room for such a Savage as me!

    Did I forget to mention it was 60 years ahead of its time in exploring the meaning of genetic engineering? Let’s read up and push forward the arguments - - as there is no technology that has not been expanded and exploited once discovered, we will have to live in humancloningland … our kids’ kids certainly will! So we may as well get deep into reflection upon the ramifications nowadays. Bogus though the Raelian infants may yet prove, this episode is a front-page harbinger of Things To Come – and they are soon in coming, me brothers, soon.


    [[[“Brave New World” is a provocative counterpoint to “1984” – the Orwell novel is concerned with direct oppression of the independent mind, via monstermedia, monsterbureaucracy, (and John Ashcroft’s wet dream police state), while in the Huxley world there are like no independent minds left to worry about controlling – each cute little brainstem & embryo has already been programmed before “birth” and relentlessly hammered into a robotic, permanent childhood.]]]

    {but don’t take my word for it!}

  • What is Yanny going to do with Canada?

  • anyone read “brave new world”?

    Good book. :)

  • See, Canadian intelligence is comes into play when they go to Alabama to get organs. You don’t know where those rednecks have been!

  • It’s awful to clone! No matter if it’s animals or humans.

    “Saves lives”, yeah right, how? We can’t produce cloned people to use their spare parts if that’s what anyone believes.
    The world already is over-populated, this will just lead to another problem.

    Even if you just want to use genetics to create your dreambaby, that’s discusting. How can you call it yours then? It’s not your child, it’s something someone put togheter. Adopte someone instead.

  • With the right technology I have no objections to cloning.

    The world already is over-populated, this will just lead to another problem.

    Far too often this amounts to, “Do as I say, not as I do.” :-?

  • Nostradamus predicted that Canadian technicians would abduct frozen Alabaman embryonic blood packets in order to utilize their stem cells as a medium in which to clone Jerry Lewis – and he further predicted that this cloned comedian would operate the first no-cover night club on Mars. He did not predict, however, whether the club would be a swinging success in its first season.

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