• I stand corrected!

    At best course, the British should build a factory in India, retreating available infantry from Egypt and Iraq (using a transport) to help defend it, driving a tank into Persia to set up a second turn assault on Burma (preferable) or Iraq, if the Japanese happen to pull out of Burma completely to attack East China (a very weak move by any Japanese player - they should always be keeping one infantry behind for defense). There is additional infantry available in Australia, ready and available to transport to the Indian factory if need be. the Americans can optionally retreat some of their forces to help defend it as well.

    Source: http://donsessays.freeservers.com/essay1.htm

    Hope this helps. :)

  • Remember always that the allies need to work together to maximize their potential. The Russia and U.S. can contribute to the defense of an IC in India. The U.K. airforce can land in India in UK2. So (asuuming you moved the forces from Eqypt to India) at the start of UK3, you can have 4 INF, 4 ARM, 3 FTR, 1 BMB in India. At the end of UK3 you will dump 3 more ARM there, and hopefully 2 INF from Australia. Trust me. Japan is hard pressed to kill India at this point before turn 7, especially if the Russian Armor comes East to back up the UK assault.

    BTW, If you still have a TRN in UK 4, consider doing some island hopping to annoy the Japanese player. :D

  • I play japan, so I must tell you-please put a complex in india as the I dont have to make one and waste 15 IPC’s- Every strat I have ever made up has japan taking out india on its first turn. I think I could muster up a force of 3 planes, 2 infantry and 1 bomber, this agansit 2 inf. inf and 1 plane.

  • @GeZe:

    I play japan, so I must tell you-please put a complex in india as the I dont have to make one and waste 15 IPC’s- Every strat I have ever made up has japan taking out india on its first turn. I think I could muster up a force of 3 planes, 2 infantry and 1 bomber, this agansit 2 inf. inf and 1 plane.

    The only problem is; you will be going up against 4 INF (2 from Egypt), and possibly 3 planes if Russia lands its airforce in India. If by some miracle of the dice you still take it, then the U.S. and Russia will both hit it again before the UK turn. 2 US inf from SIN, up to 4 RUS arm from NOV. The UK builds 3 ARM in india on turn 2 and lands 2 Fighters from KAR. Jap has gained little to nothing for its efforts. :P

  • @Zero:


    I play japan, so I must tell you-please put a complex in india as the I dont have to make one and waste 15 IPC’s- Every strat I have ever made up has japan taking out india on its first turn. I think I could muster up a force of 3 planes, 2 infantry and 1 bomber, this agansit 2 inf. inf and 1 plane.

    The only problem is; you will be going up against 4 INF (2 from Egypt), and possibly 3 planes if Russia lands its airforce in India. If by some miracle of the dice you still take it, then the U.S. and Russia will both hit it again before the UK turn. 2 US inf from SIN, up to 4 RUS arm from NOV. The UK builds 3 ARM in india on turn 2 and lands 2 Fighters from KAR. Jap has gained little to nothing for its efforts. :P

    the man speaks from experience

  • lol but theres one point u (Zero) are missing: IF Russia pulls down its 2 fighters then Karelia is a quite easy 1st round capture for germany (some tanks and some inf against plenty of inf,tanks,fighters and possibly even the bomber) which would be a major drawback for the allies imho. Additionally as the japanese player comes after GB he can just choose to leave India alone and go for Australia, China, and the far east soviet territory and buy a safe (!) IC on the mainland himself. And he can strat.bomb the defenseless new built complex :) As Germany should also do some advances in africa the british IPCs will be crippled for the 2nd round.

    so its (without those fighters) 4inf+1fighter vs 4inf+2fighter+1bomber which normally should be captured…

  • @Anonymous:

    lol but theres one point u (Zero) are missing: IF Russia pulls down its 2 fighters then Karelia is a quite easy 1st round capture for germany (some tanks and some inf against plenty of inf,tanks,fighters and possibly even the bomber) which would be a major drawback for the allies imho. Additionally as the japanese player comes after GB he can just choose to leave India alone and go for Australia, China, and the far east soviet territory and buy a safe (!) IC on the mainland himself. And he can strat.bomb the defenseless new built complex :) As Germany should also do some advances in africa the british IPCs will be crippled for the 2nd round.

    so its (without those fighters) 4inf+1fighter vs 4inf+2fighter+1bomber which normally should be captured…

    When I am eliminated from the Fall Tournament, I will be more than happy to demonstrate the potential of an IC in India first hand to anyone who asks me for a game. I only ask that you do not place any Axis bid units in Burma. :P Such an Axis Move would warrent a different strategy for the Allies than an IC in India


  • @Zero:


    I play japan, so I must tell you-please put a complex in india as the I dont have to make one and waste 15 IPC’s- Every strat I have ever made up has japan taking out india on its first turn. I think I could muster up a force of 3 planes, 2 infantry and 1 bomber, this agansit 2 inf. inf and 1 plane.

    The only problem is; you will be going up against 4 INF (2 from Egypt), and possibly 3 planes if Russia lands its airforce in India. If by some miracle of the dice you still take it, then the U.S. and Russia will both hit it again before the UK turn. 2 US inf from SIN, up to 4 RUS arm from NOV. The UK builds 3 ARM in india on turn 2 and lands 2 Fighters from KAR. Jap has gained little to nothing for its efforts. :P

    2 inf. from egypt? Inf can only move 1 space at a time, and do you think russia is realy going to move its airforce to india and leave karila for the taking? and let me reminde you, there is a little country called afganistan in between the russian territoris and india, also there is no units in the 2 southern russian territories so even if russia does use its tanks and they go thru the chinese tereitories, that would take s spaces and it is my understanding that a tank with full range can only move 2. and if the us hit india after japan has taken it with 4 inf and one plane then they leave the chinese territories for the taking and also with 2 inf from the phillapeens,inf from japan ,and the rest of my airforce im pretty sure japan can take, or at least weaken alot india.

    1. indian sea trn picks up EGY and SYR inf and trnsports them to IND - thus “2 inf from egypt”
    2. Karelia may fall w/out those 2 planes, but so what? To take KAR w/out those 2 planes would require the diversion of much of the luftwaffe, leaving the North sea and LAB alone, allowing for easy retaking of KAR. Furthermore, the Germans would have extended themselves overly this early in the game, making the Americans look eastward more readily
    3. Afghanistan - big deal. RUS - NOV - SIN - IND/RUS - CAU - PER - IND. Usually not going to happen b/c the russians are busy - the point of the IC is to take pressure off the russians so they don’t have to worry as much about the east
      The point isn’t so much conquering japanese mainland territories. Few vet A&A players would argue that an Indian IC will remain Brit for the duration of the game. The point is to delay the north-westward progression of the japs to the point where Russia has a worthy army, with Russian based-US support. In the meantime, the Japanese has wasted a lot of time and effort (and units in a war of attrition) to obtain that factory such that it’s not the measly 15 ipcs that it saved them.

  • @GeZe:

    2 inf. from egypt? Inf can only move 1 space at a time, and do you think russia is realy going to move its airforce to india and leave karila for the taking? and let me reminde you, there is a little country called afganistan in between the russian territoris and india, also there is no units in the 2 southern russian territories so even if russia does use its tanks and they go thru the chinese tereitories, that would take s spaces and it is my understanding that a tank with full range can only move 2. and if the us hit india after japan has taken it with 4 inf and one plane then they leave the chinese territories for the taking and also with 2 inf from the phillapeens,inf from japan ,and the rest of my airforce im pretty sure japan can take, or at least weaken alot india.

    Excuse me Cystic Crypt if I repeat what you said, but let me put it it plainly.

    GeZe, It is clear that your opponents have never given you a face full of hurt as Japan. Trust me, the Allies can give Japan royal problems in leu of focusing on Germany. This is called Kill Japan First, or KJF. Its not as popular as KGF mainly because its trickier and more risky, but no less effective in the long run. Yes, it does require co-operation between the allies. Any really effective strategy for the Axis or Allies requires them to move in some sort of synchronized way to maximize their potential.

    Here is the first part of the KJF strategy:

    Russia 1: Buy 8 INF
    KAR: 4 INF from CAU, 4 INF from MOS, place 8 INF from purchase
    NOV:Move all 4 ARM to NOV from wherever they are.
    YAK: Stack 6 INF here
    SFE: 1 INF remains.
    India: 2 FTR to India

    KAR: 19INF, AA, IC
    CAU: 1 INF
    MOS: AA, IC
    YAK: 6 INF
    NOV: 4 ARM
    SFE: 1 INF
    India: 3 FTR(1 UK, 2 rus), 2 INF (uk)
    Collect $24

    If Germany attacks Karelia, It can muster:
    10 INF, 7 ARM, 5 FTR, 1 BMB
    This assumes that the TRN in the Baltic is used to haul INF from Germany to Karelia.
    AA gun will kill 1 plane on average.
    19 INF kills 6.3333 = 6
    10 INF, 7ARM, 4 FTR, 1 BMB kills 1.66+3.5+2+.6= 7.8 = 8 kills
    11 INF kills 3.66 = 4
    4 INF, 7 ARM , 4 FTR, 1 BMB kills .66+3.5+3+.6 = 6.8 = 7 kills
    4 INF: kills 1.33 = 1
    7 ARM, 4 FTR, 1 BMB kills more than 4

    Okay so now Germany has Karelia with 6 ARM.
    FIN, EEUR, UKR are all MT. You can move up to 4 INF from Germany and SEU to EEUr, and place purchased inf in GERmany Weu has 2 INF plus any planes you land there.
    We’ll assume that the GIB BB was sunk by a combination of the SEU BB and the WEUR sub. with no losses to the Germans.
    The sub in the baltic sinks the Rus TRN at the UK SZ before it is sunk. ( I am feeling generous today).

    Purchase 1 IC, 5 INF. COnsidering the mistake made by Germany at this point I might abort the IC and shift to KGF. but let’s assume I don’t.

    The UK attacks KAR from the North with 2 INF, 1 ARM, 2 FTR, 1 BMB, 1 BB.

    • Assume the AA shoots down a FTR.
    • Assume BB misses :x
      6 ARM = 1 kills
      2 inf, 1 ARM, 1 FTR, 1 BMB = .33+1+.66 = 2 kills.
      4 ARM = 1.33 kills = 2 because I am always generous to the underdog.
      1 ARM, 1 FTR, 1 BMB = 1.66 = 1 kill.
      Bomber retreats to MOS

    Kar is down to 4 German ARM

    INDIA: place IC, 1 INF from syria, 1 from EQYPT to India via TRN, Syria sub to India

    Do the usual UK moves elsewhere. Place all INF in UK to prevent operation Sea Lion.

    India now has: 4 INF and 4 FTRs.

    If Japan attacks it can muster 2 INF from Burma. To bring 2 INF from PHI you must get past a sub and a TRN. The sub can only hit your TRN with 2 INF so this is a high risk manuvuer that only the Burma, PHI and CAR FTR could support the sea battle. That could mean no FTRs in Hawaii though if you attack pearl harbor, and only the MAN FTR can attack india.

    So you have to scenarios as Japan to attack India in J1:
    2 INF, 2 FTR, 1 BMB versus 4 INF, 3 FTR plus 2 FTR to Haw
    4 INF (at high risk) + 2 FTR, 1 BMB versus 4 INF , 3 FTR. With AC to Burma to land PHI and AC FTRS.

    -Your odds of winning this battle is bad.
    -The US fighter in China is alive putting JAPsz TRN at risk.
    -The JAP airforce left from the battle in India must land in Burma except for the FTR from Burma. Burma has no INF left so those planes are sitting ducks for a US attack from China and SIN. If you move INF from KWa to Burma, then KWA is a walkin for the US. Ka-ching!

    • Let’s assume Japan kicks ass and losses nothing in the India battle
      That leaves 4 INF in India. The US will attack with 1 INF from SIN, and a FTR from CHI. Assum the US kills 1 and loses everything.
    • Russia attacks with 4 ARM versus 3 INF, and takes india with 2 ARM.
    • Ouch! but that means the UK can build 3 ARM on UK2. So japan has no INF or ARM versus 5 Allied ARM in India with more to come.

    Moscow is safe with 9 INF (1 from CAU) from the 4 German ARM in KAR.
    Remember the Axis has had great rolls to get his far, and their position is less than ideal.

    Actually now that I think about it, Russia would ignore India and wipe out the remaining ARM in KAR with 1 INF (CAU), 4 ARM from NOV versus 3 ARM.

    Whew, I’m tired.

  • ok ok, your right

    but i’ll still use that strat agansit my freinds because they dont know about the syria/egypt guy to india and russia never jelps them and the us peple in china just sit there so my strat works in that suchuation

  • thanks Zero,
    You know, it’s reasoning like that that makes being defeated by you a less troubling pill to swallow.

  • I am having a couple of problems with your strat.
    Although i’m not the type to send russia planes down south - i like them for territory exchange, at the same time, i don’t see how you are committing such a mighty airforce to karelia while leaving the UK navy alone. Esp w/ your trn not providing any cannon fodder in the north sea. You’re looking at what - a sub and maybe 1 bird vs. the BB, 2 trns and a sub? While your sub attacks LAB alone? At the end of this, the North sea is looking very allied friendly - you’re right then. Screw the IC - i have a navy in NOR and my ipcs are going into trns. Esp if i can drag my GIB bb up to the North. Heck - bringing those planes down south might just be the draw i need for Germany to do something like that.
    As for the US presence being eliminated in Asia - big deal. They’ll hurt the Japs, but they’ll provide the Ind IC 2 rounds of resting time before they have to worry about any credible threat. If i have not NOR navy, then i’m building 2 inf, and 1 ftr/turn in IND, and sending whatever other forces i can there. The Japs won’t take it for a while.
    Also with the “mutual destruction at Pearl Harbor” - i’m thinking of building up my WCO navy. Drop a few GI’s in SFE while the Russians plummet Manchuria. Maybe take some birds over there and prey on loose Jap navy.
    I like the idea of your bird sac in KAR, but i don’t see it helping much. Plus you’re going to use it all over the show - retaking FIN - if you choose to. If not they are simply a menacing threat over Russia, but one that can be tolerated well.
    With respect to Africa - well, you and i both know that AES is a tricky prospect. Pray that the sub does nothing to your boats. Your BB can’t provide it’s bombardment, and you have no birds going south, so you are relying on your 1 arm, 3 inf vs. 1 arm and 1 inf (if i remember correctly). Groovy odds, you prolly take it w/ loss of maybe 1 inf or so. The US can then dump troops into Africa ad nauseum as there is no German bird worry. Yeah, that 13 troops is a little disconcerting that round, but the UK, US and Rus will then have about 4-6 places to hit Germany without fear of a retaliation that won’t cost Germany a tank or 3.
    Having said all of this, i appreciate your thinking on the matter, and it would be interesting to see this played out.

  • Moderator

    You can afford to let Russian troops continue East if Moscow falls in rd2 or 3, more cash for Ger. Highly unlikely but that appears to be the play, go quick for Moscow. If you take it by rd3, no worries for Ger.
    You can go 2 subs and 2 planes to UK sz (risky-but doable), with remaining planes (4) to Kar, or 2 subs 3 planes to UK sz (with 3 planes still going to Kar), or the 2 subs 2 planes (to UK) and go 1 bom to E Can sz and STILL send 3 ftrs to Kar. With no russian ftrs in Kar it is takeable with up to 4 inf and 7 arm - sacrificing planes. You can even bypass AES and go SE to Cauc with BB shot and now your looking at 1-3 inf and 7 arm in Kar and 2 inf in Cauc, UK sz cleared (assume Lab trn was left), 4 inf and 2 arm in EE (arm to goto Moscow). Very bad for Moscow. Let the Allies take WE (you transported those men to Kar) and you counter with a 9 inf 1 arm buy to retake WE.
    You can send 2-5 inf and 9 arm plus 1-2 planes (inf you have them) to Moscow on rd2. With 2 subs, 2 ftrs, and 1 bom to UK sz on G1 - you’ll probably only lose the subs leaving 3 planes for a moscow attack on G2.
    This is very risky but still could be doable esp if those Russian troops take the open Man or continue to move East.

  • Moderator

    Actually CC, you wanna play out this scenerio?
    I noticed you were looking for a game, and I have time to kill while Emu and Zero play. I was just going to wait out their game but it would be kind of fun to play this out. It would be sort of a “fixed” game since it is predetermined what Rus, Ger, and UK will do in RD 1 but after that it would be interesting. Russia must move ftrs, Ger must attack Kar and UK sz, and UK must build IC. It would prolly be a quick game.
    Let me know what ya think, or I might be up for a “real” game too if you’re still looking.

  • @DarthMaximus:

    Actually CC, you wanna play out this scenerio?
    I noticed you were looking for a game, and I have time to kill while Emu and Zero play. I was just going to wait out their game but it would be kind of fun to play this out. It would be sort of a “fixed” game since it is predetermined what Rus, Ger, and UK will do in RD 1 but after that it would be interesting. Russia must move ftrs, Ger must attack Kar and UK sz, and UK must build IC. It would prolly be a quick game.
    Let me know what ya think, or I might be up for a “real” game too if you’re still looking.

    Sure i’m down.
    You better take the Axis, 'cuz i have no idea how to play Germany in this scenario - how to scatter my fighters, etc. I can take the Axis and my bid of 8 and try this out, but vs. Zero i had some problems. At the same time i would like to try to redeem myself as an Axis player.
    Meet me in the “games section” in my “whore” ad.

  • The Indian IC may be used as a delaying tactic by the British player. Taking Russian planes to defend it does not sound like a good idea to me. By turn 2/3 I believe this IC would be overwhelmed by troops coming from Japan proper or possibly one of the islands. A further point pulling men out of Africa to defend this territory does not sound like a good idea as well. Would it be better to just wait until there is no more German navy in the med and wipe out the men in Africa and build an IC in Egypt?

  • I’ve run through the odds with Soon_U_Die’s strategy and they don’t look so good. The rolls on the AA and defense in general have to go their way and that UK transport had better be sunk. Keeping the seven armor and two infantry is very iffy unless all planes have been sent and shot down. Even then, it just falls within the odds.

    Even allowing for nine units left, the UK and Russian counter attacks can take back Karelia. Assuming a sunk transport, the UK will have 2 infantry, 2 fighters, a bomber, and an offshore. We’ll round up for UK, so that’s 3 hits first turn. Germany hits back for 3. Second round, UK hits 2 more, and then the planes go down. Germany has four armor left. The four Russian armor then enter stage right. Ouch.

    If the Allies fail to retake Karelia, I’ve got UK and US navies with no defense to worry about and plenty of territories to take over.

    Now it should be apparent that this is all a crap shoot. Germany has got to roll at least at odds or slightly above the whole way through. If for some reason Karelia had few troops defending, I might go for it. Otherwise, it’s just too risky.

  • Getting by on odds is iffy to me. It’s not a good move to move the fighters, but I don’t like the positions even if Germany is successful with an all out attack. I’ll try it out sometime though to see how the later turns come out.

  • i am convinced that I can take out the indian IC by turn 2, assuming that it is armed with 6 inf. and 1 plane. 1 turn china got destroyed so no US troops to help you!

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