I could care less if Japan re-arms or not. It’s not like N. Korea has the cojones to do anything with their nukes anyway, they’re just playing the International globalization market and are looking for a quick buck. Seeing money thrown around in front of my face would probably make me want some too.
Besides, it’s not that the US or UN care incredibly about N. Korea anyhow.
Look at the situation:
On one side, Iraq and Iran > Lying, scheming, and US funded from the cold war. :-?
On the other side, N. Korea jumping up in the middle of the UN assembly, waving frantically, yelling “WE HAVE NUKES”… but get hushed down as Bush climbes the podium for yet another “DEATH TO HUSSEIN” rant.
Why is the US and UN so adament at seeing Iraq go down? It can’t have to do with that the Bush family holds stocks in an oil company…
NAAAAAAH! :roll:
This world is driven by money, money comes from manufacturing, selling, and REFINING… Therefore, there’s money in Iraq, and the US wants it… BAD. Bad enough to start a war, terrorism’s just the reason. (A damn good reason too :wink: )