Really, it would do christians a lot of good to excommunicate the entire cast of the 700 club.
Someone know of what denomination Paterson is exactly ?
True, that was pretty funny… but now imagine they gain influence… that’s scary!
I always think Stoiber was a fool… but this is nothing compare to these guys :)
These people would offer their daughters to me to have sex with
Hey, you don’t have the right to have sex before you get married :)
They are completely honest. I wonder if Finsternis can accuse them of anything besides believing fallacies…
I never said christians were not honest, caring or that they had no social conscience, i just believe they live in a world of illusions, when one guy at school said i was “finsternis” because i was questionning the existance of god, i find that was completly out of reality. And there is people out there that believe Atheist and Secular Humanist are possesed by deamons.
Anyway i already said it i did’nt want to bash at christianism, i just provide some funny quote of “famous” fundamentalist, and you should note that i use the word “fundamentalist”, and not only “christians”, i know most christians are not like that, so i prefer to call Paterson a fundamentalist.
true but im tying to debate this from Falks point of veiw mate
How could you defend an ideology as irrational and anti-humanistic as nazism ?