New Member seeks A&AE PBEM Gamer

  • Hi there – yes, it’s for EUROPE. The only A&A I currently have in board form, and since I live in Macintoshland, I can’t really download or play CD-based stuff. So for now, tis Europe or nothing.

    I would be happy playing either Allies or Axis – if you are a more or less experienced player, then make what you consider a groovy bid. This bidding process is still a fog to me.

    (I have a similar post currently in the Player Help forum, but I seek just one game right now.)

  • I’m in.
    I post from work, so there wont be many weekend moves.
    Do you know a “dicey” server for A&AE?
    I can’t download anything from the net on my work comp, so we’ll have to be extremely detailed with our posting of moves.

    If your O-key-day(jar jar is stupid!) with the above, then I’m down yo.
    I’ll play whatever……
    As far as I’m know, there isn’t a need to bid for anything in A&AE.

  • Cool, Mr. Ghoul!

    So, I saw cystic crypt recommend this program to someone: - dicey

    Do you mean that it is only for A&A and won’t do the job for A&AE?

    Detailed move instructions and end-of-turn summaries are fine with me.

    So bidding is foregone with A&AE? Meaning the game is so balanced, I suppose. OK – how about I take GER and we’ll be just in (real) time for the anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. I could post first moves next Mon or Tues latest, assuming we clear up the preliminaries. Like::: do we roll dice if dicey won’t do it – and 2. does GER go ahead and place 12 IPC first, and are there any special rule variations you’d prefer.

    Also, shall we plan to post our moves one one of the threads under the A&AE topic area?

  • The regular dicey server doesn’t have a “spot” for the A&AE artillery rule.
    Thats the problem.
    I know there are A&AE and P gaming groups, so there has to be a server with the artillery bonus included.

    I haven’t play A&AE enough to know if there is need for a bid, so lets just not worry about it. I think the balance is fine.

    Lets both hunt for the right “dicey” programme and see what we can find.

    Yes, Germany places its 12 first.
    Then the allies.

    We’ll use the rules like they are in the rule manual.
    With one exception……Allied help to Russia, for the purpose of converting units, must, and can only, be done in one of the 3 Russian cities, Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad.

    Anyway, I hope we can find a proper server.

  • Rules sound good to go.

    On with the hunt for gaming solutions.

    In case we have trouble tracking down a program…

    Is there a possible way for one of the esteemed forum moderators to take our moves and run the dice as disinterested third parties?? Has that been done before?

  • i actually was interested in joining, but as the US. As i have a game underway, if you can not find an AAE dicey-wanna-be site, then i can roll for you guys. Although something tells me that Ghoul won’t want me rolling for him 8)
    BTW - after sunday i’m down for another game Ghoul. . . .

  • Well, the more the merrier, unless you prefer to do it all for the Commies, Brits and Yanks, Mr. Ghoul. We Thousand-Year-Reich types don’t discriminate – we’re out to crush you all… today Crete, tomorrow, ze Velt!!

    Do youse guys think that we could use a regular dice-type accessory (non-A&A customized), or would that be ridiculously clunky?

    (If I could figure how to grab & insert those emoticons you’d see plenty of eye-rolling about now…)

  • WAIT a minute, wait a minute…

    Are you saying that the Dicey at

    won’t work because it lacks artillery?? But the aaeuropemc club is specifically for A&AEurope, right?

    Where am I missing the sharp turn here?

    Maybe we should log in there, Mr. Ghoul, and check it out with a dry run. I’ve registered with aaemc (as ZimZaZe), have you?

  • I am a register member at that site, I think anyway, but never posted or played.
    I have a hard time navigating there.

    You didn’t miss anything, that’s what we’re looking for.
    I think the dicey server posted on this forum is just for A&A
    not A&AE.

    Now to make it work for us….

    Can we use the server without a AAEuropeMC game number?

    If we can, then we are set, if not, then, I have no problem with a third person roller, even if its CC…j/k :lol:

    Just let me know CC what day/time is good with you, for a face to face game, I mean and the above to if we can’t use the server…

  • Mr. Ghoul, it’s all new to me – how about we play the game there, under aaemc auspices. I see you log in, then press “Game Starts” and we enter our info. I was wrong about my dog tag over there: it is JZAM. I suppose they assign us a game # and then we are off to Dicey whenever we choose. (They don’t require that we use Mapview, etc. and that’s out for me, since I am more or less mac-bound)

    Also by the way, I won’t be doing much if any posting over this weekend, either.

    So anyway, do you wish to try jammin a game over on their server?

  • Hmm – I am still weeding my way through the thickets over there. It appears we have to designate the type of game “(GM, ADS, Live, FTF, etc…)”

    I suppose GM means GameMaster, but I dunno the rest. I’ll be checking out their FAQ for awhile…

  • They have a bunch of rule variants.

    Ya, we can try a game there.
    We need each others email if we want to play.

    My tag is “Knuckle Duster”.
    My email is

    Give it a test run if you get a game number.
    I’m almost off here at work, so I’ll check it out more tomorrow afternoon.

  • OK

    I’ll get it set up tonight, then you can take all tomorrow to hack around… I may or may not get major online access tomorrow.

    When you go to

    You can punch “INSTRUCTIONS” which goes:

    and we can read all about it.
    My email is and again the dog tag is JZAM.

    I can bid you in at 2 for the Allies, and that should be sufficient to get us a game #.


  • Hi there Mr. Ghoul…

    Well my T01 combat is on its way to you and to Dicey.

    In the meantime, I see where a Drumstix wondered if we would post our progress under the Games Forum, so it could be … considered, criticized, and collectively cretinized by the assembled multitudes.

    I’m for it if you are – I could paste in our moves etc. as the results come in.

  • Sounds tight.
    Lets do it.
    I’ll have my turn done tomorrow.
    So, the dicey server doesn’t send the combat rolls?

  • Well here’s the deal as I get it (remember, I’m new at this).

    Dicey will email us the results. I xed or un-xed the box to that effect.

    Dicey has the ability to email us each combat roll. I thought that might be too much email… I guess I interpreted that as every single die, every round, every battle. I dunno.

    Dicey, the way I read the thing, keeps the rolls on file anyway, so if we want more than just the results, we can go there and check em out.

    We can also x or un-x the box to change it back to emailing us all of the rolls.

    In the meantime, we are now in the meantime – meaning, awaiting Dicey to crunch the moves I sent this morning for Axis T01. Any idea how long the turnaround generally is for a Dicey set of results?

  • Ok its a option to include the rolls.

    I received your email at 12:32 pm central time.
    What time did you send it?

  • I’m Professor double post……

  • I sent it at 12:32 Eastern time. Daylight savings is in effect – don’t know how that affects Manitobans. Also don’t know how AOL stamps times on its freakin email system – time the sender posted in sender’s timezone, or time sender posted in recipient’s timezone, or some alien timeframe.

    Anyway, as for posting our game as a new thread in the Games area, do you want to just send our moves to each other there, as in a PlayByForum (and simultaneously email them to Dicey) – or would you rather email each other direct?

    Questions, questions – ven vill der bombink und strafink shtart??

  • We should just email each other directly and than post what’s happening on the form.

    Ya dig?
    Ya down wit that? :lol:

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