Today has been a horrible day for Israelis. A hotel owned by Jews in Kenya was attacked and 3 Israelis died. An El-Al, that’s Israeli airlines, plane was shot at with missiles while flying from Kenya to Israel and Palestinian gunmen killed at least 6 Israelis who went to elect in the primaries for the head of the Likud Party.
Sadly, 8 Kenyans also died. Today’s attacks are evidence there are well organized terrorist groups behind attacks. And it seems they are based outside Israel.
To address F_alk’s ocmment about the world not wanting to kill Jews anymore, forgive me for not beliving this, but I simply can’t, especially now. There were many timesi n Jewish History when anti-semitism appeared dead but re-arose from itself, and post-September 11th has been one of them. I’ll post for you some interesting quotes and articles so you can see my point.
The Israelis could be Christian or Muslim for all I care. Their Religion is not what is fueling this conflict. This conflict is being fueled by hate and death, not piety.
Yanny - you seem either not to be reading what I post, or you are simply ignoring it and going back to the same point. When Yasser Arafat had less officers and officials than he did now but decided to truly crack down on terrorism, he did so successfully and it took Hamas and Islamic Jihad a year to recover.
Right now, Yassar Arafat has no infrastructure to do much. His communication assets are basically limited to a cell phone. His command and control assets are probably limited to a laptop and his cell phone. He cannot leave the West Bank, and every few months he gets a close look at an Israeli tank.
Your comment about Hamas gaining something more powerful than a bomb strapped to a chest is unrealistic. It’s the same reason Al-Qaeda would never drop a nuclear bomb on the US.
I have no doubt that if Al-Quaeda had the means, they wouldn’t hesitate to nuke NYC or DC. And thats a problem we have to face. I wouldn’t suspect a full blown nuke hitting Israel, but a dirty bomb could easily happen.
If they were to kill say 200,000 in a nuclear attack, imagine America’s retaliation. There would not be an Arab country around anymore.
No, we wouldn’t go around and destroy every Arab country. But if the same people were behind it as were behind 9/11, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran would all be flattened. But the other nations would probably strengthen their relationships with us. Now Israelis, you’d just nuke a Palestinian city in return. America, we aren’t as ready to use our Nuclear supply as Israelis (Cia said Israel is by far most likely to be the first nation to use Nuclear Weapons).
They would most likely expel quite a few of the Palestinians from Israel and destroy their homes. Such an attack would hurt them more than it would hurt Israel.
Exactly why Israel is such a problem. They are doing the same thing on a small scale after each and every terrorist attack. Terrorists kill 10 Israelis, Israel flattens a police station, or bulldozes a block of homes. And in doing so, Israel her grave ever deeper.