Anyone who watched both Battle of Britain and Dunkirk understands which of the two is a better war movie
Top Ten Posters
Deviant isn’t even on the list.
I know YB, I’ll get there eventually. :D
I’m still “young” compared to you veterans… :wink:iv only been here for a month more then you
After all the working, kicking out dezrtfish and FinsterniS, now GeZe is ahead of me. I guess it all comes down to quality of the posts. I try to post big long posts.
I just say my opinion without explaining because I dont have the time with school and all but when its holidays…
I also have school and lots of work, that’s why I havent been on the forums in like a week.
Let me just say this…
CC, I will be forced to hunt down and kill you if you come too close to 2nd place…
That is all.
somebodys getting agresive
Stands by and waits patiently… :)
maybe i should tone it down a bit.
don’t worry Yanny, come January i’ll be surprised if anyone knows i exist anymore. -
We could never forget you, CC.
Deviant isn’t even on the list.
I know YB, I’ll get there eventually. :D
I’m still “young” compared to you veterans… :wink:iv only been here for a month more then you
Probably could have something to do with the fact that I only post in this section of the forums. I don’t even play Axis and Allies! LOL, I’ve never even tried it! :lol:
Then I suggest you download Dogs O War, a fan made Axis & Allies game, from It’s a great game and it’s only around 1.5 mb.
1 TG Moses VI 3685
2 Yanny 1783
3 cystic crypt 1103
4 HortenFlyingWing 970
5 Xi 663
6 F_alk 646
7 yourbuttocks 590
8 Mr Ghoul 583
9 EmuGod 571
10 GeZe 570Just an update on the top ten list.
1 TG Moses VI 3685
2 Yanny 1783
3 cystic crypt 1103
4 HortenFlyingWing 970
5 Xi 663
6 F_alk 646
7 yourbuttocks 590
8 Mr Ghoul 583
9 EmuGod 571
10 GeZe 570Just an update on the top ten list.
Hmmm . . . i think that EG and Geze are looking for a forum for themselves to be able to rack up the posts. I’m happy to relinquish my position . . . .
LOL, I figured since GeZe posted his when he was one post ahead of me, i’d post the top ten when I was one ahead of him. Besides, someone has to update the top tne every once in a while.
See, you guys don’t have a moderator forum to spam posts (Just Kidding! :))
1 TG Moses VI 3685
2 Yanny 1783
3 cystic crypt 1103
4 HortenFlyingWing 970
5 Xi 663
6 F_alk 646
7 yourbuttocks 590
8 Mr Ghoul 583
9 EmuGod 571
10 GeZe 570Just an update on the top ten list.
youl never beat me,(evil laugh) :wink:
10.Emugod-578 -
waves his hands in 18 strange motions to show that he’ll delete any more “updates”
Here’s an UPDATE for you Yanny!!
Watch it Canuk, I may have to get nasty if you hit 1500 :evil: