allways trying to sqeeze him self back…tz tz tz
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
i have not read it but heard many good things about the “Rise and Fall of the THird Reich” i might read it when i get older, u know when i have the time and i finish my current reading Agenda :)
Mike couldn’t stand such a long book :)
Just had the book put on my desk a few days ago. Hopefully I’ll get around to reading it once I finish Red Rabbit.
yeai aint much of a reader, :( i wish i was though
too bad… :-?
yea realley :(
well im a reader 4000 pages a month
yup Geze is a reader all right ;) holy Marcus Aurilius 4000 a month, im like 40 a month lol
I had to count for a school thing
4000 pages per month… sure… :roll:
4000 pages per month… sure…
It’s ~130 pages by days, dependint on what he read, what he count (does he count school reading?) and how old he is, this is not necessarly false or exagerated.
Maybe reading is’nt “cool”, but it’s good to know some are reading other thing than the TV guide.
Who said reading isn’t cool? The ability to read is probably the greatest gift of all. But if you couldn’t read, you probably couldn’t understand this message… :-?
But 4000 pages a month… sorry but I have a hard time in believing. And I don’t mean reading this post, the TV guide, or a school textbook, but pure reading.
wow reading the school textbook lol i havnt done that since 6th grade lol
TG, i spent about 2 hours on a train each day… and even i read an english book i get up to 100+ pages easily. Doesn’t count for weekends, of course…
Heya Fin, good to see you again !
4000 pages per month… sure…
It’s ~130 pages by days, dependint on what he read, what he count (does he count school reading?) and how old he is, this is not necessarly false or exagerated.
Maybe reading is’nt “cool”, but it’s good to know some are reading other thing than the TV guide.
TV guide . . . now there’s something i haven’t read in a while. Looks like i have some catching up to do.
TV guide . . . now there’s something i haven’t read in a while. Looks like i have some catching up to do.
Especially that you have to read starting from issue #1 to understand the storyline :D ;)
TG, i spent about 2 hours on a train each day… and even i read an english book i get up to 100+ pages easily. Doesn’t count for weekends, of course…
Sure you do? :roll: Must be an easy read…
200 Pages in 2 hours isn’t unbelievable. If I’m into a book, I can read 400 pages in 3 hours.
4000 pages per month… sure… :roll:
its just 133.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333……etc. a day. 2 hours reading
133 pages in two-hours? What books were you’re reading?
its just 133.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333……etc. a day. 2 hours reading
ha ha ! You see, that’s why i hate our sytem on base 10, in a base 12 system, 133.3333333333333 (inf) would be B1.4 (were B is the number for XI (11)). Far more simple…
hmmmm… i’m completely out of reality here no ?