I don’t say that the US will fall tomorrow, or in my lifetime. But: it will fall, and i think it will not dominate the world for a time as long as the romans or chinese did….
rising education…cough well… would you really put your name under that??
Yeah American education, I must be stupid… :-?
sound republican system, well…. “sound” is relative… two parties just grow corrupt…and look at the number of ppl voting…35% ???
Generally those who are angry vote. Why vote when everything is going fine? The way the republic system is set up (checks and balances between three branches, Constitution, Bill of Rights) is for the most part, fine. If the two parties get to corrupt or out of line, then it will be the people who respond: in form of communist uprising. 8)
except for the increasing economic growth ( you need to tell me howmany years you take for averaging),
That is the measured standard. Usually you can find economic growth along with other charts that include per capita and GDP…
most/all of the “old empires” had vast natural ressources as well
Through conquest? Or was it just Rome alone?
rome and china had a sound legal system as well
Refering to economic legal system…
and they also stopped expanding after some time
Which generally marked their decline (rule of thumb, no Empire collapses when it’s still conquering away). In the US case, it is different.
and the best technology and service infrastructure, and a strong military
Signs of a healthy, strong empire.