• Here’s a screen shot of a gigantic custom map.

    This is the second time I’ve played on this map and both times were team games.  In this one I’m pink and my team-mates are grey, blue, and orange.  This is the last time I play on this map as a team game.  Both times I’ve been screwed by team-mates not submitting turns and this map is so big that you have to constantly stay on top of your opponents moves or they will get right past you.  I wouldn’t mind playing on this map again as a H2H game or even a multiplayer FFA (free for all), but never again as a team game.

  • So, I was playing a 3 team game (2 players per team), when a player new to the game decided to call the 5 others (including the player on his team) ‘retardes’.  First I advised him on the correct spelling of ‘retards’ and then I challenged him to a H2H game on the standard world map.  Here is the screenshot from the beginning of the game showing the drop (territories assigned to each player by the computer):

    I’m grey and he’s brown.

  • Now, 16 turns into the game.  I have nestled into a supremely dominant position.  I always give credit where credit is due, so I have no problem stating that my opponent is not a complete bonehead.  He’s very good at getting large stacks of fighters to where they need to be for defense, and he is strategic about all his moves (Except the 3 fighters that he crashed when I blocked his carrier that they were going to land on from getting to the sea zone that they were supposed to land in($90 rookie mistake)).  That being said, it is only a matter of time before I win.  My income is ~$50 more than his per turn, so it won’t be long before I can swarm him with vastly superior numbers.

  • I was looking over this thread and I realized that haven’t put up any screen shots of the classic A&A map so here’s one of a game I’m in right now.  Though the classic A&A set-up is an option (5 player game), this is a head 2 head match using the same map.  I’m brown and my opponent is grey:

    I took this screen shot after I had finished inputting my turn, but before I had submit it.  The units on the map with small wrenches to their bottom right are units that I have purchased but won’t be available until the end of next turn (sub and destroyer off the coast of Western USA and the pile of infantry in Germany).

  • The site appears cool.

    Which clan R U in ?

  • OK

    email for sign in is understandable,
    however, I will decline due to the credit card verification

  • There is no credit card verification.  That is only if you want an ‘extreme’ membership.  Technically the ‘premium’ membership is $10 but you can get unlimited free premium memberships (each valid for 1 month).

    All you have to do is sign up for the free ‘basic’ account then click ‘Membership’ (4th down on the list on the left hand side of every screen except when in a game).  This will bring you to a brief spreadsheet showing what is available with each membership level (basic, premium, and extreme).  At the bottom of the page there is a field you can click that will give you an automatic upgrade to a premium membership for 1 month with no credit card information needed, and there is no limit to the number of times you can renew the free 1 month upgrade.

    As to the first question, I’m in the Moderator Clan.  Clans are a greatly underdeveloped aspect of the game.  The game is still in beta so it’s a work in progress.

  • Someone just took the time to try and recreate the map from the Axis&Allies 1942 edition.  Here’s a screen shot:

    (I had to crop it and resize it get it to upload correctly so it looks MUCH more pixelated then the game normally is.)

  • Here’s a game shot of ‘the turning point’ in a 2v2 game I’m currently in on the classic A&A map:

    I am Brown and my partner is Beige/Tan/Off-White.  We just took Kazakh(stan) placing us squarely next to Gray’s capital :)

  • The 1942 map that I post before has been updated to fix some slight problems (like being able to load in Eastern USA and unload in France on the same turn).  Here is a screen shot from an AWESOME game that I am in on that map with the scenario as made by the map designer (any map can be used for any type of game but this one was created with a scenario that tries to somewhat recreate the A&A 1942 board game).  We are in our 23rd turn and it still could go either way.  I am UK.

    Just so everyone knows:  This game is FREE with no download.  If anyone wants more than the general basic membership I can instruct them on how to get free, unlimited upgrades to a premium membership.  I assure you all that this game ROCKs! Also, I’m getting a little tired of playing the same people over, and over, and over, so please head over and due your best at wiping me from the map ;)

  • Crowninshield (aka Jacob?)! I sent you message on here, but I’m not sure you got it. JojoWilhelm here, trying to rebuild battleforces from the ground up. I could use any info you might have or remember, including any more pics of the game (for example initial map setups). If you see this, shoot me an email at jojowilhelm@protonmail.com.

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