You may be right YG.
However IL has been a great supporter of the forum over the years. Hopefully that will extend to moving this forward with dj.
Is there any way to check and see if a lot of guest posts were made from this computer during the summer(early June to today, August 26, 2002)?
I’ve had a nephew staying at my place this summer. He’s been acting out with my sister(his mom). I found out this evening that he was messing with the family computer(more than he was allowed). My kids told me(after I caught him today). He’s out of the house now and I may not let him back in. He’s also off the computer(at least until Christmas) and my kids are off for at least a month(he’s bigger and seems to have threatened them.
Thanks, and sorry if it caused any problems on your end(enough problems here for my family). - Xi
You actually have little rugrats running amok in your house!? God help us – little Xi’s. :wink:
Uh . . . No. Just clones. :D
Dat was me! - Xi
Oh, no! Not again?! - Xi
Hahahaha :lol:
clones eh? then you can be on this forum 24/7 taking shifts
Gimme the dates and I’ll look for posts made by guests under your IP :)