• I am Axis against 1 opponent playing Allies. Opponent has placed a UK IC in S.Afr. How hard should I fight for Africa? Or should I ignore it? If I should fight for it, what is the best way to counter his ability to build 2 units in S.Afr. each turn?

    Also, I have heard some people say GER should have “a couple of bombers in W.Eur. to keep US from getting a navy in E.USA.” But how? GER can’t afford to buy a bomber early on, and only 1 bomber cannot keep USA from getting navy…right?

    Lastly, I have heard many say that taking Karelia is a mistake by GER., as it is costly and RUS can retake it easily. But I took Karelia in G1 fairly easily, while still wiping out the UK navy. Have I made a mistake? Looking at my forces in Karelia, I appear to be safe enough, especially since RUS already has JAP to deal with in E.Asia. What do you think?

  • A) If the UK has already established an IC in S Africa, only Japan can take it out. Abandon Africa, and the UK will roll 2 tanks eack turn toward Asia without building up infantry, japan brings 4 inf on 2 transports with one of its battleships from French Indochina to Egypt. While the UK assumes that they have a new target to send tanks at, Japan, on the next move, will throw everything at the complex via transport. Now, at least the axis have Africa for a while. 8)

    B) Only an IDIOT would ever think that he can hold off the US navy with Nazi airpower! Its a nice idea, but it is not fiscally possible. Out over water, a fighter is A 12 IPC TANK!!! If Germany can afford this, then God bless him, because the allies are complete baffoons.

    C) If the Soviets hand you Karelia, then take and enjoy it; but if the Russian player has his fourth brain cell securely in place :P , you will not be able to do it.

    Happy Gaming! :D

  • Thanks for the advice - I hadn’t thought of JAP taking S.Afr. like that. I will try it.

    As for the Karelia question, can you please tell me, what would you do if you were RUS and GER took Karelia? Why is it such a bad move for GER? I have always played novice to moderate players, so I have always gotten away with it, never realizing that a really good RUS player could beat me if I did that.

  • @panderson:

    Thanks for the advice - I hadn’t thought of JAP taking S.Afr. like that. I will try it.

    As for the Karelia question, can you please tell me, what would you do if you were RUS and GER took Karelia? Why is it such a bad move for GER? I have always played novice to moderate players, so I have always gotten away with it, never realizing that a really good RUS player could beat me if I did that.

    Let’s say that Russia has a sufficient force in Karelia and that Germany mobilizes all of its tanks in taking it.
    Well there would be a fairly good chance that if and when Germany did take it (the attacking inf fight at 1, the defenders fight at 2) chances are there would be few inf and a bunch of tanks. Russia/GBR/someone counter attacks, wiping out Germany’s arm. In the mean time Germany may have 8-10 inf sitting uselessly on GER waiting to be plundered as its borders would be (very) weakly defended.
    At least this is what used to happen when i played.

  • A smart Russian player will stack Karelia with 18 infantry, several tanks, and 2 fighters. That wqay, Germany loses a lot of forces even if they do manage to tkae Karelia. This is assuming Germany uses its entire airforce to fight Karelia. A smart German player is then forced to stack his forces in Eastern Europe.

  • oh ok, I can see how stacking Karelia with fighters and 18 infantry would work. BUT, the way I have often played was that Britain built an IC in India in UK1, which makes it almost essentail for RUS to put at least one of its fighters there for a couple of turns. Therefore I always find that RUS has to split up its defenses and can’t hold Karelia.

    What do you think of the Allied startegy of building an IC in India? I have often won as the Allies with that one, but recently, a moderate player beat me by massing all of Japan’s fighters around India, so UK had a really hard time breaking out in Asia. Then, he slowly ammased enough armor to crush India by like the 6th turn.

  • If you were to place an IC on India on UK1 I would take India as Japan on J1 by moving 2 infantry from the Philippines ot India and might use 1 infantry from Indo-China along with the plane from there. I would also send in a bomber from Japan to help and at the same time, take over China and SFE/Hawaii (depending on my mood) in order to take that IC for myself. I have done this several times against people over the zone and have always taken India.

    Britain should coordinate its attacks with Russia. If Russia can stack Karelia with less than the 18 infantry but still hold an adequate defence while moving some tanks to Novosibirsk and some infantry to Persia, it can easily begin a counter-strategy to my Japan move. If Britain builds the IC on India and Japan takes India, then Russia can attack India on her next turn and re-take it, therefore allowing Britain to place units on India next turn. But it all requires coordinating Russia and Britain’s efforts. You also need to plan with the United States.

  • E_G_,

    I believe Japan would have a harder time if on UK1
    -the IND trn moved to the RED sz and picked up 1 inf (AES) + 1 inf (S/I) and dropped them back in IND(leaving 1 ftr +4 inf[?] with the IC), or

    • the trn moved to the FIC sz to block the J trn. This makes the J ftr(FIC) try to sink the UK trn on J1 so the J trn (PHL [or wherever]) can move additional inf to amfib. :P ass. IND on J2.
      “Evaluating the enemy, causing the enemy’s ch’i to be lost and his forces to scatter sothat even if his disposition is complete he will not be able to employ it, this is victory through the Tao.” - Wei Liao-Tzu, Chinese military theoretician/advisor, Fourth century B.C

  • That could happen, but then you could send the fighter fron Indo to attack the British trannie, and you could still use the bomber from Japan to attack India. You could even send all the infantry fron Indo-China to attack India if Russia hasn’t backed up the British.

  • You would do more damage to Japan if you rolled four tanks per turn out of Africa… India just distracts… and it will always fall in the first four rounds anyway…

  • Building an IC in Africa is very difficult, especially because in order to successfully dump troops into Africa well, the Allies have to spend a few turns building transports.

  • Well it’s funny you bring up the IC in Afr. because that is exactly what my Allied opponent did. I just took it last night in a surprise move. Just as City on a Hill suggested, I brought 1 Battleship and 2 transports and took India with 2 INF and 1 ARM. My opponent merrily continued sending his 2 ARM up from S.Afr. on his next UK turn. He didn’t have a clue that I was planning to take his S.Afr. IC, so he left it with just 2 ARM. I easily took the IC with 2 INF and 1 ARM, supported by the Battleship’s pot-shot.

    What was so gratifying about it was that he had begun to really get cocky and was trash-talking me like crazy on UK’s turn, telling me how I was never gonna take Africa and what-not. When I then took the IC in S.Afr., literally 2 minutes later, the dejected look on his face was just classic! :D

  • A) Panderson, you are most welcome. :D

    B) Under no circumstances should the UK lose control over greater Africa to the Germans! Let me explain why…

    G1: Battleship, infantry-loaded transport attack brit sub, with both infantry landing in Egypt. Those two join with the tank and inf from Libya. E. Euro fighter moves into Egypt, bomber also.

    Setup: 3 inf, 1 arm, 1 fighter, 1 bomber, + Battleship pot shot


    1 inf, 1 arm.

    The odds are that the battle will last only one round, and that Germany MIGHT lose 1 infantry…

    For the sake of argument, we will say that they did. How can the UK retake Egypt?

    UK1: 2 inf from India via transport to Egypt, Iraqi inf to Egypt, India’s fighter and UK bomber to Egypt.

    Setup: 3 inf, 1 fighter, 1 bomber VS. 2 inf, 1 arm.

    The odds are that the UK will take Egypt, but lose 2 of the 3 inf. The German transport does still exhist, so how has the UK truly won? THIS IS HOW. At the end of UK1, place an IC in S. Africa. On UK2, use the fighters and bomber to take out the battleship and trannie. Africa status… Nazi safe, Jap warry…

  • EmuGod said
    …you could send the fighter fron Indo to attack the British trannie, and you could still use the bomber from Japan to attack India. You could even send all the infantry fron Indo-China to attack India if Russia hasn’t backed up the British.

    [XI]Oh-KAY! If you waqnna send 2 inf(@ a roll of 1)and 1 bmr(@ a roll of 4 or less) agin 2 inf(@ a roll of 1 or 2)and 1 ftr(@ a roll of 4 or less) . . . YOU GO RIGHT AHEAD. :lol: :evil:

    city on a hill replied
    You would do more damage to Japan if you rolled four tanks per turn out of Africa… India just distracts… and it will always fall in the first four rounds anyway…

    [Xi]I think I asked this somwhars else, but “doncha havta hava IC on AES & S AFR to get 2 arm per turn outn Aferca?”

    EmuGod responded
    Building an IC in Africa is very difficult, especially because in order to successfully dump troops into Africa well, the Allies have to spend a few turns building transports.

    [Xi]Wahs wrong wif -

    US1: build 3 trn & 4 inf(36 IPCs, 0 IPC left),
    -NO COMBAT LIKELY in Atlantic unless bmr & ftrs can hit Ger. sub,
    -MOVE - 2 ftrs where needed, bmr to UK, (PAC)bb, trn, and whatever to
    W PAN sz
    -PLACE UNITS - 3 trns(EUS sz) & 4 inf in EUS

    US2: build 2 trn & 6 inf(34 IPCs, 0 IPC left)
    -COMBAT MOVE: 3 trns move 6 inf to ALG(battle or uncontested),
    bmr SBR on Germany(or can hit ALG with the inf,
    2 ftrs to KAL/or hit ALG with inf if stationed on AC from US1
    Note: FWA may be selected for invasion, but US bmr nor ftrs may assist. This gives fewer german ftrs the opportunity to assist in counterattack on G3.
    -PLACE UNITS - 2 trns(EUS sz) & 6 inf in EUS
    -COLLECT INCOME: 32 or possibly still 34 IPCs

    I think you can see where this is going. Even if Germany attempts to bomb/strafe the trns he’s taking a chance on losing a valuable piece he will need desperately later in the game.

    city on a hill mistakenly proclaimed
    B) Under no circumstances should the UK lose control over greater Africa to the Germans! Let me explain why…

    The odds are that the UK will take Egypt, but lose 2 of the 3 inf…

    [Xi]This plan has already been shot down on another string.
    “If our world should ever be ruined, it will be by the warriors.” - Montesquieu(I guess he didn’t know any politicians). :lol:

  • Or rather, purified through hearty debate and discussion. :D

  • ……
    G1: Battleship, infantry-loaded transport attack brit sub, with both infantry landing in Egypt. Those two join with the tank and inf from Libya. E. Euro fighter moves into Egypt, bomber also.

    Setup: 3 inf, 1 arm, 1 fighter, 1 bomber, + Battleship pot shot


    1 inf, 1 arm.

    If germany doesn’t take out the UK fleet in the first (or second) turn, the game is just ended: US and UK start to but transport and sooner or later french will fall, and the germany is quite out of the game.
    This night we will try with the russian restricted rule, hoping that the axis may be more challenging. In the last plays germany falls before URSS and the game is over

  • I guess the hard part about the IC in AFR is that it is really vulnerable to being taken by either JAP or GER. COAH, do you suggest that UK merely uses the IC to hold AFR, or should they use AFR as some sort of staging ground for harassing JAP or GER?

    I find that the biggest challenge as the Allies is containing Japan long enough to hurt GER. In order to contain Japan, the IC in AFR doesn’t really help the Allies much I find. The IC in IND makes more sense for this, but then JAP can check this by building up Indochina little by little and then taking IND eventually.

    What do you guys think is the best way to pen Japan in while the Allies put the boots to GER?

  • Xi wrote: EmuGod said
    …you could send the fighter fron Indo to attack the British trannie, and you could still use the bomber from Japan to attack India. You could even send all the infantry fron Indo-China to attack India if Russia hasn’t backed up the British.

    [XI]Oh-KAY! If you waqnna send 2 inf(@ a roll of 1)and 1 bmr(@ a roll of 4 or less) agin 2 inf(@ a roll of 1 or 2)and 1 ftr(@ a roll of 4 or less) . . . YOU GO RIGHT AHEAD.

    How aboutincreasing it to three infantry attacking India by moving one from Indo, the two from the Philippines, the fighter and the bomber. That sbhould increase the odds of success.

  • I agree with SUD, you NEVER want to buy an IC for the Allies. All extra IPCs should go into buying a larger transport fleet.

  • I agree with SUD, T_6, & E_G_.

    ::___::, coah was concentrating on showing Africa. He just left the other attacks off. Though I don’t think I’d go for AES until G2(move all Africa units 1 territory south[+2 IPCS] and NONCOM trn 2 inf to LIB, I certainly would not use the bmr, though some do).
    “Where if your enemy fights with intensity he will survive but if not he will perish, it is called ‘fatal terrain’. On fatal terrain always engage in battle.” - Sun-tzu, The Art of War

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