Axis strategy if Japan falls to US

  • KC,
    It depends. :P
    Your best rum,please, and honey, do me a favor. Put an ice cube in and stir it with your finger. - Xi

  • KC,

    I would love to beat, err, play against you.
    If YOUR strategy as Germany never changes, then there is a big problem. When you play against a Britain who knows what he’s doing, Germany will be UNABLE to take Russia by herself. In 9 out of 10 of my Axis victories, Germany has only 3 or 4 territories left when Japan takes Russia, Karelia, and Africa. (Germany usually has Germany, S. Euro and W. Euro when Japan saves the day)

    This is with endlessly stacked infantry and a strong Luftwaffe. If you, as Germany, can do significantly more, than you need better oponents.

    Maybe me. :D

  • Interesting comments and I have made an unwarranted assumption :oops: : that if USA has taken Japan (with resources diverted from European theater to do this), and Japan has taken over most of Russia then Russia cannot be far from falling. Obviously this is not necessarily the case depending on how the the game has been played.

    Still I believe that if USSR has fallen, and with Germany holding W. Europe (6 ipc), S. Europe (6 ipc), Germany (8 ipc) along with Moscow (8 ipc) E. Europe (3), Ukraine (3) and Caucasia (spelling?) (3) then Germany could have an industrial production of 37 ipc so I would not immediately concede defeat.

    I suppose my strategy would change in that the capture of Moscow would become much more urgent (thinking economic victory with whats left of Japan).

    If USSR has not fallen, or cannot be made to fall within 1 turn at this point, along with some IPCs gained elsewhere (by Japan? Karelia?) then yes it almost certainly would be over for the Axis as the US then can concentrate on Germany, and/or take over Asia from Japan increasing its ipcs even more.

  • 37 ipc’s is not very much if you are alone and Japan has no chance of being liberated any time soon.

  • If Japan falls and your Germany,Put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.Unless you have home rules and expansions with with more technology to aquire…IE. NUKES,you hurtin my friend unless your opponents are completely incompetent.I speak from expierience I was the Fatherland and my buddy playing Japan was finaly crippled beyond repair and next thing I knew I was gettin hit from all sides.I managed to bullshit them into a cease fire…the game had lasted several weekends.

  • you survived?

  • But he was using custom rules, not standard ones.

  • I wasnt using custom rules just the basic game.Basically my friends were tired of playing and thats how I survived.The game lasted a long time.

  • ah, they were tired

  • opps that was me

  • That’s always a god strategy. Hit 'em when they become sloppy!

  • LOL :lol:

  • willnever or willever?

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