I hope that my ‘All Bomber Strategy’ (ABS) was not too ambiguous, so I will take this time to try and explain everything in a little more detail. ABS is more of a strategy for a causal game on a mid-Sunday’s afternoon. The strategy works well with the United Kingdom, but can be applied to the United States. My main concern is that the bombers built in Eastern USA have to fly an extra trip to British airfields before making their way into Germany.
The main objective for the United Kingdom is to concentrate solely on building bombers. The only exception is when I want to launch an aircraft carrier into the British Sea Zone to help the American player out. The downside is that I cannot build two bombers on the first turn, which would greatly speed up the strategic bombing process. Other than that, my entire turn is spent maintaining an active bomber wing for guess what? more bombing missions over Germany! :)
As far as taking over territories, I leave that up to the rest of my Allies, preferably the United States. I like to think I am doing my part when, by the end of the third turn, I have a fairly large bomber wing of six or seven bombers capable of wrecking twenty one to twenty five IPC’s worth of damage to Germany’s production levels. This is roughly the equivalent of ‘attacking’ Germany each turn to inflict seven or eight causalities. Without those much-needed troops, Germany is left vulnerable to an attack at either Western Europe or Eastern Europe…sometimes even both! :)
What I like most about this strategy is that afterwards, I can fly my entire bomber force to Russia and start bombing any Japanese factories the following turn. If not, I will settle for the next best thing and position my bombers to attack the Japanese transports when opportunity strikes.
ABS may not be the best strategy, and I do get shunned by TG because says my strategy relies too much on luck. I like ABS because it is fun, and there’s nothing funnier than watching TG’s face after I rolled nothing but fives and sixes on a bombing mission and forced him into bankruptcy! Priceless! :D
PS: Sir SUD, we do play with economic victory turned ‘on,’ but TG says that it is the poor man’s way out of World Domination.