Is it psychosis on a national level, or . . .


    Kind of an interesting article . . . of course a mere study in a cultural mythology to some, and to others evidence of a spiritual realm?

    (i believe this is all possible, i am not certain that this is happening tho’)

  • At least nothing christian…

    When you say it can be saw as “evidence” i find that a little exagerated. If it is not an hoax, it could still be subject to a lot of interpretation, without a very deep look at the subject it cannot be consider as an “evidence” for anything. A little like poltergeist and morphogenetic fields, that was consider paranormal and proof of a spirit realm until a valid scientific theory came up (still not very clear but anyway…). I don’t believe some mythology to be true nor i believe in somekind of spirit realm; but non-local reality seem to exist. And some are mixing up non-local reality with spirit realm because they have something in common; you cannot see them, still in reality the theory and the mythology is very different.

    when in the article someone said…
    “Evil exists, they insisted, in those spirits.”
    It is a very exagerated extrapolation, there is nothing to corroporate it. With only a single strange phenomena people are making with time, exageration and interpratation, a very big story.

  • a “non-local reality”? is it just me, or is this a little vague?

    Also i wouldn’t expect “one example” to suffice for an affected consciousness of an entire people, but this example seems to be “just one more thing”.
    The fact is, you hear about this all the time. I know of well-respected scientists who witness these things in Haiti, Kenya, and even in some parts of the Western World (outside of N’aulins), never mind countless stories and personal experiences from trusted friends of mine, as well as relatives.
    As your “n” grows larger, then there becomes a smaller “p” value, such that it begs the question . . . .

  • @cystic:

    a “non-local reality”? is it just me, or is this a little vague?

    Sure it is vague, i don’t want to make dangerous interpretation.

    Also i wouldn’t expect “one example” to suffice for an affected consciousness of an entire people, but this example seems to be “just one more thing”.

    I don’t not really said that, but these kind of things are often getting bigger than they really are.

    The fact is, you hear about this all the time. I know of well-respected scientists who witness these things in Haiti, Kenya, and even in some parts of the Western World (outside of N’aulins), never mind countless stories and personal experiences from trusted friends of mine, as well as relatives.

    I never sais they were liar, i am just prudent as to make interpretation. These kind of things are rarely what they seem to be.

  • @FinsterniS:

    I never sais they were liar, i am just prudent as to make interpretation. These kind of things are rarely what they seem to be.


  • …another attack of Einsten againts the evil probabilistic face of Quantum physics…

    Not that i am a fan of Einsten (i think he is too much glorified), but maybe he is right. Maybe the quantum physic use of probability is just due to the ignorance of a X factor. I will not go as far as to say quantum’s physic is’nt effective, but maybe someday a new physic will rise (it would’nt be the first time) and probability would be banish from the world of theorical physics. I think physicist are often too much sure about the existence of probability… But maybe this is my ignorance of physic that make me say that :)

    Nous devons envisager l’état présent de l’univers comme l’effet de son état antérieur et comme la cause de celui qui va suivre. Une intelligence qui, pour un instant donné, connaîtrait toutes les forces dont la nature est animée, et la situation respective des êtres qui la composent, si d’ailleurs elle était assez vaste pour soumettre ces données à l’analyse, embrasserait dans la même formule les mouvements des plus grands corps de l’univers et ceux du plus léger atome : rien ne serait incertain pour elle et l’avenir comme le passé serait présent à ses yeux. L’esprit humain offre, dans la perfection qu’il a su donner à l’astronomie, une faible esquisse de cette intelligence. Ses découvertes en mécanique et en géométrie, jointes à celle de la pesanteur universelle, l’ont mis à portée de comprendre dans les mêmes expressions analytiques les états présents et futurs du système du monde.

    Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827)

  • whoops
    the Crypt is out of this one.

  • "

    Kind of an interesting article . . . of course a mere study in a cultural mythology to some, and to others evidence of a spiritual realm?

    (i believe this is all possible, i am not certain that this is happening tho’)"

    Along with other information when relating to this article, “you cannot deny the existence of the paranormal”

  • Falk,

    I understand, and i will crush the last particles of determinist i have gather :) . That would not be too hard, i don’t like to be in the same side as Einstein on this subject, i don’t consider he was really objective and his view on determinism were close to fanatism (like i think, but i am not sure, he continue to teach theory about a Static universe while the theory was rather weak)


    Along with other information when relating to this article, “you cannot deny the existence of the paranormal”

    Well, a lot of thing we consider paranormal now are part of our vision of the world. Nonlocality is a good exemple of it… The fact that an atom can influence another without touching it would have been consider paranormal by Newton… Other phenomena like invisibility can seem paranormal for someone without any scientific knowledge… All is a question of standpoint. What now is paranormal, can be consider scientific tomorrow.

  • “Well, a lot of thing we consider paranormal now are part of our vision of the world. Nonlocality is a good exemple of it… The fact that an atom can influence another without touching it would have been consider paranormal by Newton… Other phenomena like invisibility can seem paranormal for someone without any scientific knowledge… All is a question of standpoint. What now is paranormal, can be consider scientific tomorrow.”

    Ture, what you are explaining is exactly paranormal. Maybe we will come across the day we do know and have explored “everything” there is to know about this universe. But until this happens, there will still be “paranormal” occurances unknown to us beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation. Today we consider the existence of extraterrestrial activity to be paranormal, but maybe tomarrow, science and exploration will advance far enough to prove it entirerly normal.

  • how does it go?
    “any technology sufficiently advanced might appear as though to be magic”
    or something of the sort.

  • Always true. 8)

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