Next Italy & British Empire versus A.H. Empire. After this round robin, the Allies will find it harder & harder to win, or, get a political victory(from now on they will face two Axis Powers), thanks, Pellulo
Round One: A.H.E. builds fighter, sub., &, BB. Forces head for Northern Italy, but, keeping coastline of Trieste covered. From Tyrolia & Trieste invade Venice, 12 troopers & 4 guns, versus, Italy 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Allies all but a trooper & gun, &, Axis 5 trooper. Venice is contested.
The fleet needs to destroy any transports bringing aid to Italy, even if only for two rounds or so.
Fleet enters Home Waters, no mine damage, BB & C & transport, versus, the same Italian. Losses only damaged Allied BB left.
British Empire builds fighter, sub., &, 3 transport, forces begin movement to Wales. Moves Canadian C & transport(trooper & gun), and, Home Fleet of BB, 2 C, &, transport(trooper & gun), all head for Italy. Egyptian C & transport arrives off Italy(trooper & gun landed in Tuscany). Indian fleet of BB & C & transport(trooper & gun) heads for Italy.
Troopers in East Africa head for Egypt, another trooper heads for S. Africa.
Italy builds 5 troopers, trooper in East Africa starts to move to Egypt. From Piedmont & Tuscany reinforcements for Venice, 8 troopers & 3 guns, versus, AHE 7 troopers & 4 guns. Losses 5 troopers each side.
Round Two: AHE builds fighter, 4 troopers, gun, &, submarine. More forces move into Venice with fighter from the capital, total fighter & 32 troopers & 10 guns, versus, Italy 3 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Axis 4 troopers & Allies all. Venice is taken!
BB & sub. enter(with no mine lost) Italian Home Waters, versus, It. BB & Brits. C & transport. Losses all Axis & Allies C & BB(damaged). Failure to destroy transport.
Brits. build 3 transports, fighter, &, gun, land forces still entering Wales, waiting for departure.
Transport leaves Italy, goes to Egypt, picks up and drops off trooper & gun onto Tuscany. BB & transport arrives off Italy, from India & drops off into Tuscany trooper & gun. Also C & transport arrives from Canada & drops off onto Tuscany trooper & gun. The most dangerous weapon the Brits. have are transports.
Finally from Britain at entrance to Med. Sea a BB & transport(with trooper & gun). From outside this entrance is a submarine & 3 transports(4 troopers & 2 guns) from Wales.
C from India enters AHE Home Waters(no mine lost) and sinks AH submarine(C is also lost).
Trooper from Sudan enters Egypt.
Italy builds fighter, &, 2 troopers. Moves more reinforcements into Tuscany from Rome.
Round Three: AHE big push into Tuscany(ignores Piedmont), builds BB, 4 troopers, &, gun. Fighter flies into Venice, &, coast is covered in case of sea invasion for Trieste.
Battle fighter, 10 guns, &, 28 troopers versus It. 12 troopers & 2 guns, and, Brits. 4 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Axis 12 troopers & Allies all. Tuscany falls, Rome is next!
B.E. builds 3 transports, fighter, &, 2 troopers. From 3 transports that left Italy & now off Egypt, returns to Rome & debarks 6 troopers. Off S. France BB & transport arrive Italian Home Waters & debark trooper & gun in Rome(transport will head for India). Outside Med. Sea a sub. is escorting 3 transports, arrives off Rome, &, debarks 4 troopers & 2 guns. From British Home Islands 3 transports head for London(4 troopers & gun & fighter).
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves BB(no mine damage) into AHE Home Waters, versus, AHE BB. Losses Italy BB damaged, &, AHE BB lost. In North Africa, 2 troopers & gun, board British transports.
Round Four: AHE builds 2 subs., tank, 2 troopers, &, fighter. More forces head for N. Italy, &, keeps forces to guard its coastline. In Rome finally invaded 2 fighters(one lost to air duel), 10 guns, &, 16 troopers, versus, Brits. 11 troops, 3 guns, &, Italian fighter(lost in air duel) & 6 troopers. Losses Axis 9 troopers , &, Brits. 10 troopers & 2 guns, &, Italy 4 troopers. Rome is contested!
British Empire builds 2 transports, 2 troopers, gun, &, tank. Moves by sea transports as reinforcements for Italy. Three transport arrive off Rome, &, debark 4 troopers & gun & fighter. A transport arrives off Arabia heading for India, while a fighter from India via Africa heads for Italy. Two transports head for India & Canada, and, a transport heads for S. Africa. From Britain another transport leaves for Canada, &, 2 transports(with 2 troopers & gun & fighter), head for Italy.
Meanwhile 2C & sub.(no mine lost), versus, AHE 2 submarines in Axis Home Waters. Losses Allied C & Axis all.
Italy builds 4 troopers. Debarks from Fr. transports trooper onto Piedmont, &. trooper & gun onto Rome. Allies have to think peace talks.
Round Five: AHE builds 2 subs., fighter, &, 4 troopers. Still has forces entering Venice and a fighter flies in(compare to other setups where land forces are drying up). In air duel fighter versus Brits. Empire 2 fighters(one fighter lost each side). With reinforcements from Tuscany AHE has 12 troopers & 12 guns, versus, Brits. fighter, 5 troopers & 2 gun, and Italy 7 troopers & 1 gun. Losses Axis 9 troopers & 2 guns, &, Brits. 5 troopers & gun, and, Italy 6 troopers.
British Empire builds sub., 2 guns, &, 6 troopers. Should Brits. make a landing in A.H.E. or reinforce Rome?
British Empire moves 4 transports towards British Home Islands, another arrives off S. Africa(picks up trooper & gun). Three transports head for India & pick up 5 troopers & a gun, while 2 transports arrive off Canada & picks up 3 troopers & gun. Meanwhile a transport leaves Canada with a trooper & gun, and, 2 transports arrive off Italy with 2 troopers(a trooper debarks into Rome) & fighter & gun to link up with navy.
Fleet enters AHE Home waters, 2 BB(one has mine damage), &, C and 2 transports join C already there, versus, AH 2 submarines. Losses Allies C & Axis all. BBs shell & take out 2 defending troopers & defending gun scores no hit. Landed 2 troopers & gun & fighter(another fighter flies in from Rome), versus, 1 troopers & tank & gun. Losses all Axis forces(tank also takes a hit for trooper), both fighters fly back to Rome. A complete blowout for Axis forces & luck for the Allies.
Italy builds 3 troopers.
Round Six: AHE builds 2 subs., aircraft, tank, &, 2 troopers. From capital into Trieste fighter & 4 troopers, and, from Venice 3 troopers & fighter(all guns are in Rome), versus, Brit. fighter & 2 troopers & gun. Losses only a Axis trooper. Venice is left undefended, &, from Tuscany 2 troopers & gun invade Piedmont(defending It. trooper taken out for no lost). Battle for Rome 3 troopers & 10 guns, versus, Brits. 2 fighters, gun, &, Italian 3 troopers & gun. Losses Axis 2 troopers & 3 guns, &. all Allies. Rome has fallen.
British Empire builds 2 transports, 4 troopers gun, & fighter. Three transports moving up via Egypt & Red Sea(5 troopers & 1 gun), and, transport from South Africa with trooper & gun. Two more transports from Canada at entrance of Med. Sea with 3 troopers & gun, and, 2 transports off S. France with 2 troopers & gun & tank. London garrison moves to Wales to meet three incoming transports, and, submarine leaves Wales, heading for Italy. In AHE Home waters 2 BBS(one damaged), C, 2 transports(one arriving, no mine damage), versus, two AH submarines and 2 fighters. Losses Allies another BB damaged, C, &, Axis all.
Sea landing in Tuscany, 2 BBs shell(no effect), and, 2 troopers land & another trooper lands by transport from Trieste(a second trooper lands in undefended Venice). Losses a trooper each side, Tuscany & undefended Venice falls! Still a fighter left in now uncontested Trieste.
Italy cannot build, sends BB to guard Brit. transport in AHE Home Waters, &, transport arrives off Wales.
AHE wins by default, moderate political victory.
Round Seven: AHE does not to do anything, a round has finish and they still control Rome. True if hostilities picked up, AHE would have to, with reinforcements having to come into being, secure the seacoast, rebuild a navy, and, fight your way back to Rome(to link up with a cut off army of mostly 6 guns & a trooper). Much less link up with forces in cut off Piedmont. The problem with Italy, Allied sea landing are for ever coming , especially with Brits. copious transports(it is like playing whack the mole game in the video arcade, take out or contest a landing, and, another landing occurs).
So taking a small chunk of Libya & Egypt to get a small non-militarized colony is well worth it, especially getting your forcers safety out of Italy, and, Allies off your coastline and home waters.
If not then on British Empire next move you have 2 BBs shelling, transport off Italy with 2 troopers, 4 transports from Africa & India with 6 troopers & 2 guns, 2 transports off S. France with 2 troopers & gun & tank, 2 transports at entrance to Med. Sea with 3 troopers & gun(much less 4 leaving Wales with 6 troopers & 2 guns). Also any future builds to take back Rome & Piedmont, much less new Italian forces.
Taking the colony is a sure thing, or, losing everything in trying to hold onto Italy.
IPCs losses Axis 51 & Allies 60 troopers, 7 & 17 guns, tank only Axis, 4 fighters each side, 1 & 2 transports, 8 & 1 subs., 1 & 6 C, 3 BB Axis only.