Still MIA… Worth a thread Necro!
What the hell is wrong with you amaricans!
“DAMN RIGHT America sucks !!”
I can only wonder why you said such a thing. America may have its share of criticisms (some more than others), but what country doesn’t? In that sense, every country “sucks.”
Americans do not realise that, in the modern World, a country either needs High Taxes, or very low Taxes. A Mid Tax range isn’t the way to go.
Well in politics (yes, politics affects everything) candidates try to get votes from both the Left and Right in order to win an election. That often results in a middle-of-the-line imitative often a bit favorable to his party. That’s why you see mid-range tax brackets.
On 2002-05-30 13:20, FinsterniS wrote:
The problem with your medical system is theres no insurance for everyone, at least not an insurance that cover 100% of the medical cost. I dont think it is something normal for a country to make peaple pay so much for a diseases which they caught by accident, i mean peaple are not running after problems, and when they caugth a diseases; now two problem, 1; the disease itself, 2; $$$.FS,
What are all those people with AIDS in (for example)South Africa and Thailand(or whatever they callit today) going to do with your idea? Their governments can’t help them out.I just read and heard that the Western European governments are moving away from 100% healthcare because they are having a hard time paying for today’s costs. They see what’s coming with AIDS, etc. Yet, the U.S. of A. is heading toward 100% healthcare even with Bush43.
All the politicos are playing games to stay in power. They’ll hold off the $$$ problems until the other parties gain power and then say it’s the current party in powers fault. The average voter/citizen doesn’t have the facts or the brains to figure out whose fault it really was. In addition, all the LITTLE self-interest groups have to keep their share and get a piece of everybody elses.
Seniors, as one example, “THE GREATEST GENERATION”, have given us a lot in the USA, but have been increasing their share of the $$$ pie for 58 years. It started the year before the war was over or it wouldn’t have been ready for the GIs when they got out.
There has never been,is no, and never will be aWin-Win healthcare system and no Win-Win form of government.- Xi - (That’s a fac, Jack!)
That’s my post, as you might guess if you read the whole thing.
Xi, you’re right. A huge problem with Healthcare is the insane cost to maintain. Especially for Senor Citizens like you mention (though I don’t mind tipping my hat to the Greatest Generation). Same with Social Security. In the near future you can expect major Social Security reforms or maybe even the total absence of Social Security due to the outrages tax percentages.
A huge problem with Healthcare is the insane cost to maintain.
So we only heal the rich ? We only give healcare to those who can afford them ?
The question isn’t what I think, but what the majority of Americans think. Personally I would love it if everyone were entitled to free healthcare, especially when it comes to life-threatening diseases. However, most of America does not seem to agree with my beliefs. They’re just concerned with how much $$ will be coming out of their pockets. And in a capitalistic society, this idea will persist, until someone can come up with a radical new set of ideals. Anybody up for suggestions?
On 2002-05-27 15:52, Xi wrote:
On 2002-05-16 14:14, HortenFlyingWing wrote:
crime goes down with concealed? can i read that somewhere?HFW, try
“I’m a material girl.” - Name dat millionairessThen let’s all carry concealed weapons!
On 2002-05-30 20:00, Yanny wrote:
Americans do not realise that, in the modern World, a country either needs High Taxes, or very low Taxes. A Mid Tax range isn’t the way to go.We need switzerland taxes!
On 2002-06-01 23:00, FinsterniS wrote:
A huge problem with Healthcare is the insane cost to maintain.
So we only heal the rich ? We only give healcare to those who can afford them ?
The question is if the average middle class citizen can get better healthcare from a company or through the govenrment…
I’m no fan of inefficient beuracracies. (excuse my spelling)
Anybody up for suggestions?
doctors are looked up to too highly…if people thought they were scumbags like automotive technicians, the cost of healthcare would go down. I have a friend, whose both parents are doctors, and thought it was an outrage to conduct a test for $100, where a machine did all the work…
i guess something has to pay for the med school and mercedes lease payments!
“doctors are looked up to too highly…”
I guess you’re right. Nobody wants to play “God.” The only problem is that if you’re inflicted with a life threatening illness, don’t you want, in a sense, for the doctor operating on you to be some sort of “God.”
PS Medical cost need to go down! Do you know how much a ride in the ambulance is? Ridiculous!
You have to pay for a ride in a ambulance?!?
Holy! -
Oh my, evidently you haven’t seen the medical cost they charge you for it :smile:
Keep in mind, it’s A LOT MORE than the simple gas fee.
Heh heh, yeah at my friend’s house I was drunk and I was in the kitchen looking for the light switch, right? Then I fell over and busted my head open (got 6 stitches later) and my friend’s mom called the hospital and she was goin nuts, because they wouldn’t give me an ambulance ride unless I was unconscious, and we didn’t have a car there. (eventually, had to call my mom and stepdad and THEY drove me to the hospital)
This had me thinking: don’t beuracracies suck? Only if man could be decent on his own, there would be no need to pump money into churches and governments…but evidently man is too stupid to take care of himself and adhere by moral codes (like not robbing people.)
Well when I live in a system where I’m suppose to “only look out for number 1,” what do you expect?
It’s a choice afforded us by the second ammendment.
“What’s a mend mint?” - Xi