• Oh, so you must be the legendary Candyman I spoke too. hee-hee :smile:

    In response, the Germans never intended to fight a long-term war. In reality, German high command expected the war to be over with the invasion of Britain in 1941-1942. When Germany invaded Russia, they expected the fighting to end within six weeks. Of course even with the initial success of Barbarossa, this planning was very optimistic.

    As you can see, long-range, strategic bombers weren’t the primary concern of German planners. The heaviest bomber the Germans had was the Focke-Wulf Condo, which was designed as a commercial transport. During the Battle of Britian, Bf-109s could only spend 30 minutes over Britain after crossing the English Channel before turning back. Even then the Germans were one the verge of winning the Battl of Britain if not for Hitler, Kesselring, and others.

  • Umm, I changed my mind. I think the best General was Zhokov. You try leading the largest army the world has ever known, with Stalin breathing down your neck.

  • k, im Zhukov; i’ll just take my army and throw it at the enemy, regaurdless of the casualties. A fine WW1 strategy.

  • Zhukov was during WWII imbecile. But it worked didnt it??

  • Kesselring started off the war commanding Luftwaffe airfleets in Poland, then France, then against England. In March 1941, Hitler sent him to Rome to be the German co-commander of the Italian/German effort in Africa. Rommel reported to Kesselring. So Rommel was the field commander in Africa, but Kesselring directed the larger effort. He didn’t leave Italy until March 1945. That’s about all I know of Kesselring, and as far as I know he is the only WWII general to command both air and land armies.


  • [ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-04-18 10:37 ]

  • On 2002-04-18 06:46, Gul’Dan wrote:
    Zhukov was during WWII imbecile. But it worked didnt it??

    I know he’s from WW2, His tactic of throwing wave after wave of men at enemy positions is WW1-ish…Bitch

  • '19 Moderator


  • "During the Battle of Britian, he was instrumental in Hermann Goring’s decision to change Luftwaffe tactics from direct pressure on RAF Fighter Command to bombing Britain’s cities. This led to the ultimate loss of the Battle of Britain.

    The second was when Resistance members detonated a bomb in Rome killing 32 German soldiers. In retaliation, Hitler demanded that all able-bodied men in Italian capital be transported to prison camps. Kesselring instead had 335 citizens of Rome rounded up and shot at nearby Grotto Via Ardeantina. Kesselring worse then Hitler? "

    One, Hitler wanted the attack on cities, and one cannot question the fuhrer. Two, Hitler wanted to kill people, and one cannot question the fuhrer. excuse my spelling. I don’t think kesslring was a good person (he fought for the wrong side), but he did a good job.

    Now one has to understand that Webel (that guy who wanted the long range bobmers, “euro bomber”, i believe), wanted long range bombers. Now here is the problem. No german aircraft company had any serious heavy bombers in the works. Another was that Germany wanted to use their blitzkreig tactic. They never planned a prolonged war with russia, or war with britain at all. Webel might of been right, but at the time he was wrong, and his reasoning highly conflicted with Nazi tactics.

    Now Zhuhkov, well…sucked. Sadly he was the best russia had! He was able to win wars of attrition…that’s it. Was Yemenko (i think it is his name) the guy in stalingrad? He held when the river was frozen, and he couldn’t get any more supplies and men. In fact, as little as 40 russian soldiers at one point stopped the german army from taking the volga river side.

  • I bealive that Zuhkov was at Stalin grad, but I might be wrong. Still, the fact that he was able to bring the Russians to victory in europe has to count for something

  • His tactic of throwing wave after wave of men at enemy positions is WW1-ish

    If it aint broke, dont fix it Ass

  • On 2002-04-20 11:04, Gul’Dan wrote:

    His tactic of throwing wave after wave of men at enemy positions is WW1-ish

    If it aint broke, dont fix it Ass

    Whats you problem?

  • On 2002-04-20 11:00, Gul’Dan wrote:
    I bealive that Zuhkov was at Stalin grad, but I might be wrong. Still, the fact that he was able to bring the Russians to victory in europe has to count for something

    Hey guy, how do YOU spell Stalingrad?

  • So I accedently typed a space. Bite me

  • On 2002-04-24 06:58, Gul’Dan wrote:
    So I accedently typed a space. Bite me


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