Looks great. Can’t wait to see the video of the new game pieces.
Can’t wait to make it! :-)
I have authentic uniforms for every nation that i get dressed in before each game that I play. Also before any rolls of the dice I wash the dice in Holy Water to wash away the sins of the previous rolls. And when I lose a game I will fast for seven days, to empty my body of impurities that caused me to lose.
Thats about it….nothing too strange.
My friends seem to make a big deal about which die they throw and where it is thrown.
I guess it’s psychological.
My friend is a full blown Nazi, and he is Jewish. Go figure…
OK, so i was kidding about the earlier remark…the above remark reminds me, one thing we do is if we get bad rolls with certain dice we’ll switch in hopes of better luck.
my friend loves playing germany and loves attacking russia.when he attackes the russians he repeats death to communissom in german.Or at least that’s what it means.
On 2001-12-20 09:13, Major_Damage wrote:
I have authentic uniforms for every nation that i get dressed in before each game that I play. Also before any rolls of the dice I wash the dice in Holy Water to wash away the sins of the previous rolls. And when I lose a game I will fast for seven days, to empty my body of impurities that caused me to lose.
Thats about it….nothing too strange.
Ya know, its funny that you say that because I was seriously thinking of getting one of those German officer SS hats for when I play the Axis. :grin:
I like to say things in russian while playing the USSR (insults are especially fun). It tends to piss my friends off though.
I tell my opponents that I have this plan to assassinate them if I lose. I haven’t lost since I started doing this about 6 months ago(approximately 12-15 games).I’ve played Japan most of those times. I think I’ll try another country soon though. My Allied ‘friends’ have been looking forward to me losing and commiting harikiri (sp.?)!
When I play, my friends always have me play Axis. I sit in this one chair, and they sit on the other side of the table. They call it “Das Fuher’s” seat. Go figure.
Oh and never attack Kerilia with planes! You’ll have them shot down worst then Kamikazie aircraft in the pacific.
LOL :smile: I remember this game…
When playing against everybody else, choose England. Don’t attack anybody and be sure to be extra nice to people like giving others players some of your money. Hopefully the others will take pitty on you and leave you alone. :smile:
I do only two crazy things:
1. When a capital is about to be taken (like Germany itself) I sing about it when it survives repetitive onslaught. “Berlin! How you do it, how you do it! BERLIN!”
2. I roll the dice with the highest number on it. (Like if something lands on a 6, i’ll use that die, statistically it shouldn’t be a 6 for that roll)
Too bad I can’t do that on dicey! (How much I loathe dicey errr…)
I once wore one of my helmets, (my spanish civil war helmet “Taco”) it gives you a headache, thus ruining your concentration.