It is debateable if the panzers would of done much good all near the beaches. Rudenstech (however you spell it), did not want the tanks on the beaches, so hitler came up with the 1/3 solution. if they were near the beaches, they would of been near calais, and horribly spread out. Rusenstech wanted to have none spread out, so the allies would be allowed to establish a beachhead, but the germans would be able to take a mass of forces and attack one area alone. Even if this did not throw the allies into the ocean, it would of probably held the allies off more. Germany had troops in Cherbourg long after it was surrounded. they were horribly split. the beaches were too long to protect, and the atlantic wall was a billion reichsmark joke. i agree with the rudenstech guy’s strategy.
"Hitler a drug adict? i thought he was a health freak he did not even allow smoking in his Berlin bunker.
oh ya and he also killed his dog allong with his wife. "
Oh yes, hitler was a real big drugee. Health freak too. in fact he took drugs FOR his health. He had injections every day to deal with his shaking and head pounding, and took pills to help his stomach. His arms were horribly scarred by needles, and his injections and pills were poisons, poisonous penicilin derrivtives, procaine (a kind of cocaine), and god knows what else. He had a special doctor who specialized in Venereal Disease treat him, and he was well respected by hitler, and was given high priority throughout the war. He followed hitler wherever he went (and i cannot remember his name, but he’s a fat guy who wears glasses.) Hitler recieved severe damage to his nervous system because of all the drugs his phony doctor was giving him. Before hitler died, he was taking a drug that dealt with Parkinsans Disease.
please excuse my spelling!
And about the smoking, i think you are right. i believe he didn’t want smoking on U-boats, though they smoke two packs a day on them!
Hitler did kill his dog blondie, with a cyanide capsule. That dog was amazing, on a video of mine, hitler throws a bone over a 12 foot wall, and the dog jumps over and retrieves it. Too bad it just didn’t walk around it…