• Historically, the allies won

  • I agree with that “people of Russia” thing. Have you seen “enemy at the gates”? Perfect visual example. A massive horde of people who die is very hard to beat. If the enmey has more people than you have bullets, who’s gonna win?

  • when i say the russians won becase the german tanks froze up. i em not talking about the entire war, i em talking about Germany’s faluire to take moscow in the winter of 1941. it was the winter that gave the Russians the atvantige and opertunity to lanch the counter attack and hold off the Germans. had it been good weather and Germans used there full armoered strangth we might all be speaking German right now.

  • I think that the comment that we would all be speaking right now is a bit of an overstatement. UK and USA could still probably beat the Germans (though at much higher time and loses) and we’re assuming that Germany could somehow build an Invasion fleet large enough to reach N. American shores.

    As for the winter, it ruined the German offensive war machine. But the fall probably did just as much damage. Imagine have to move all your men, equipment, and vehicles knee deep in mud.

  • Even if it was the middle of summer, there is no way Germany would have “taken” Moscow in 41’. The Russian Guards were already deployed there. Plus, the city itself had mad entrenchments. It would have been a long, drawn out fight for the city that would have gone on a long time.

    Supply lines, more than anything else, halted the massive offensive towards Moscow.

  • Yeah, no doubt that the Reds would protect their home city to the death. Well if I was the Germany I would instead completely encircle Russia and lay seige to it like Leningrad. Though Russia wouldn’t have fallen very soon, it would’ve distrupted Russian rail junctions and communications, crippling the Russian nerve center.

  • Siege warfare is an obsolete tactic against a modern city. Look at Leningrad for example; it was under siege for a little less than 900 days and never fell.

  • Anyway, it would have been too costly to put a siege on Moscow.

  • Moscow did nearly fallen in 1941. Stalin did tried boarding on a train in order to escape from Moscow. He stayed, at the last minute and this decision was right. Anyway if it was mid summer and Stalin did decided to hold Moscow, I think Moscow would turn into another Stalingrad, if the Red Army knew how to fight the german just in time.

  • ‘If’ is the middle word of life.

  • Moscow did not almost fall in 41’. A German officer saw the outskirts of town from a pair of binoculars. Thats as far as they ever got.

  • It’s interesting to think about. But considering Hitler thought of Moscow as (and I quote) “…a geographical expression only…” it is clear that Germany had no intention of seizing Moscow quickly, whether the general staff wished to or not…


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