i was pleasently surprised at your listed “problems for continuing the trade embargo” - particularly number 4. Given this new perspective on the type of person i took you for, i was then re-disappointed with your subsequent posts
The truth must be enabled and tempered by both sides so it can be clearly seen like a forest thru the trees. My “experience” takes into account “your” sensibilities but the conclusions are different because we are arriving from different footpaths in the forest of our ideas. I hope that i disappointed you because to believe as you do i would be unable to leave this forest at night…
Sure bro, we can get a game going on the Zone. Do you have a headset (earphones with a mic attached)? If so, then we can get you set up with battlecom. Its much easier than typing messages.
I just sent you Battlecom, It’s 2 megs…I hope your email can handel it :smile:
Let me know when/if you get it, K?