Bob has the day off work, so 5 malcontents, minimum.
You better buy another bottle, that’s not even going to last you half of the drive up. :)
Put me down for a museum run on monday! I’ll take my “doubled” chances!
Put me down for a museum run on monday! I’ll take my “doubled” chances!
They will, as far as I know only be open on the saturday. They don’t normaly open until May and are opening this weekend just for us! ;)
Just a “side Note” on drinking at the Event:
There will be a Bar open on Saturday run by the 420 Wing…. but after it closes the event is “technically” Alcohol free (we don’t have a licence).
That being said: Marshals will Look the other way IF you don’t make it to obvious. Mix your drinks in your car etc… and bring an empty Drinking mug or Soda Bottle.
The above message is UNOFFICIAL and I will deny ever making it
just like high school
just like high school
Especially if the fuzz show up.
I volunteer to hold them off whilst you guys escape.
If I can keep any pending charges, to WITHIN the province, all I have to do is get out :). EASY.
Pity Canada is not ‘tail-gate party’ friendly. I’m surprised the US is so tolerant being a somewhat more litigious nation than Canada. I would never ‘cut the grass’ of 420 wings sales. Personally, I was thinking of when I was back at the hotel room to drown my poor dice sorrows! That’s me story and I intends on sticking to it. Forecast is looking up, might be trading the large '42 map for the muscle car!
Ontario is a police state.
I was hoping to pick up some Canadian craft beer (none of that Molson or Labbatt crap) on the way in (as my other alto ego is a craft beer enthusiast/expert @beer47) but I get in too late to hit the spots in Toronto on Friday night.
Are there any good bottle shops in the Oshawa area. Is the LCBO #776 in Pickering really the closest to the event?
I was planning on just having this after the event but is there some new BYOB policy?
I was hoping to pick up some Canadian craft beer (none of that Molson or Labbatt crap) on the way in (as my other alto ego is a craft beer enthusiast/expert @beer47) but I get in too late to hit the spots in Toronto on Friday night.
Are there any good bottle shops in the Oshawa area. Is the LCBO #776 in Pickering really the closest to the event?
I was planning on just having this after the event but is there some new BYOB policy?
There is an LCBO on route to the Event from the 401 Highway IN OSHAWA.
As mentioned; there will be a bar open in the venue on Saturday Evening.
I was hoping to get my buddy the professor of brewing to come but alas, darn students are writing exams…or brewing/drinking them…
He might be able to give a few recommendations if he is answering his email.
“….an experimental facility for recycling beer”. Interesting.
Ooooo! drinking is allowed!?! :-o well my worries just melted away! While I have absolutely no intention of trying to bring alcohol across the border i’ll have to provision myself with alittle extra cash for when I get there :-D
I guess I’ll pick up a bottle of Pyrat rum.
Also, if any of you BEER enthusiasts makes beer and wants to sell it, I have the most effective marketting strategy in the world (Cheap too), that would have beer literally FLYING off the shelf. It just has to taste ok -to- good. :) And of course, you have to include me as a partner ;).
Clock is ticking folks! On the plane 5:45am tomorrw!
HEY! I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner! Would anyone be interested in playing a round or 2 of my (in)famous Axis&Allies Drinking game? It would have to be held outside of the convention, perhaps something to do after it closes at night? Any takers?
Clyde, you should hit the duty free shop as you cross the border. Alcohol/tobacco is rather expensive in Canada. I can’t cross the US border so am not that familiar with how much you can bring across.
Now if only I can find somebody who will smuggle some weed and feed lawn care product for my yard. Dandelions are taking over the neighborhood!
Cuban cigars are legal and plentiful in Canada by the way. Trade ya some cigars for weed’n’feed!
Ooooo! drinking is allowed!?!Â
As Jeremy mentioned … YES … but discreetly!! If anyone gets out of hand we’ll have no choice but to remove them from the building especially as we don’t have a licence for the event, only the RCAF Club having a licence for what they sell during the time the bar is open.
Yes, discreet. Also make sure you have a safe ride home/hotel. I’ve only been walking again for about 12 months since a drunk driver nearly killed me. I for one really enjoy the sensation of being able to walk again.