Question regarding the purchase of units

  • Can u buy and have on the board more than 2 aircraft carriers or more than 3 battleships during a game - I was told u can as long as they stay together say u have three aircraft carries (because there are only 2 token representing them) i was told i have to keep 2 of the carriers together at all times and one can be by itself in a seperate sea zone - example i wanted two carriers in the pacific and one in the atlantic - i was told i had to keep the two in the pacific in the same seazone because one is a carrier and one is a marker representing one - so i cant split the two in the pacific go seperate ways in the pacific - also i couldnt purchase another carrier in the pacific unless the carrier was in the port by the ipc because it was a marker and it couldnt be in the water without a carrier token on it - thanks for reading and please let me know what i dont know- :eek:)

  • nah, as the manual says: you can use straps of paper with the unit written on it or something if you ran out of the particular unit.

  • I use Gray Chips from AAE for 10 units, and blue chips from World at War for 20 units.

  • Blue chips? i got red ones with WaW :sad: I never run out of units, i use from all games combined (AAE, AA, AAP and WaW) and i play aggresive, so no need for even more units.

    Good job at Avalon Hill for including more chips in AAE, AAP. I allways went short on the original game, and now i only use 10% of the available chips in the expansions. Bit overdone imo :wink:

  • I’ve got a weird card game called Po-ke-no (or sumthin liek that). It includes about 100 red chips in the box, so I never run out of unit chips in A&A. =)

  • A friend and I have combined our sets for a total of 4 original games and 2 sets of World @ War. We also useualy play with people who bring aditional sets. We never run out.

  • I believe in the rules (i’m going by second edition), it says that any country cannot have any more single units than the tokens provided, but as groups the numbers are endless.

    For example: each country is provided with 3 Battleships, but if a country wants a forth Battleship, it has to be grouped up with on of the others. So you can have 20 Battleships, but no more than 3 groups of them.

    But not everyone follows this rule, since its not crucial to the gameplay.

  • Right, we threw that rule out before we even played our first game.

  • I always thought it affected gameplay enough to keep that rule, maybe I’m just odd; I’ve been informed of being so on several occations.

  • In Original Axis and allies, you cannot have more groups than given. So, you may have a maximum of 2 Carrier groups, but you can have 20 carriers in each group.

    In the new expansions, you are aloud to go over the pieces given to you.

    Edit - oops, just actually read the thread. Sorry Major for being redundent! Stupid me

    “History is just a set of lies agreed upon”

    • Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

    “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference”

    • Robert Frost

    [ This Message was edited by: Yanny on 2002-01-21 19:02 ]

  • LOL :smile:
    No worries Yanny! Its good to know your on my side though…

  • major damage and yanny are correct. many units but limited stacks

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