Well this has happened after I made this. Something to know about this is that the game was won long before where we stopped playing but we kept playing because it was interesting.
I was playing as Axis countries and Italy and Japan dominated everyone but Germany was the country not pulling its weight.
Germany: Did Barbarossa. Foolish move by me I was moving way to slow and I kept my planes at West Germany when they could have helped in Russia. Instead I took my force and attacked the Russian units with nothing but ground units. Russia had 30 infantry 7 artillery and 4 tanks including all fighters landed adjacent to West Ukraine. I as Germany had 25 infantry only 2 artillery and 8 tanks in West Ukraine. With 20 infantry behind them. Note: This attack was very late and was taking place turn 7 or so. The German force was destroyed. They hit only 6 infantry and got massacred. Only 5 infantry made it out and I moved the 20 behind them up. Russia didn’t attack me so I retreated because I had no more troops going east because England and America were in the west ferrying troops over to France and Germany fought them The Germans weren’t the problem for Russia. It was the Italians and Japanese. The Luftwaffe was destroyed when they attempted to destroy the American and British navy. On 3 attempts.
Italy: By now after getting all of Africa and Middle East and earning all bonuses and taking India and from their fight with the Russians via Caucasus turned Italy into an 80 IPC country. When everything was happening. Italy had to do the job of Germany. Italy upgraded their industry in the south so they could meet the threat of England and America. All the boats that England built before their economy became crap and with America constantly supplying more troops let England who I believe had 18 IPCS at the time keep building ground units on boats that they weren’t losing. Germany was being bombed by American bombers making it impossible to build more than 10 IPCS. Eventually it became nothing because the Russians coming from the east were taking back old territory and eventually German spaces. Earning the big bonuses for the original German territories occupied. With all that money. Russia was able to kick out Italy and deal with the threat. Back in France. Italy got into a fight with England and United States to keep them from the liberation of France. Eventually Italy was forced to help Germany from getting Berlin taken over. Between the Germans that retreated from Russia earlier. And new fresh Italian troops and the Italian air force to reinforce held out against the RUSSIAN invasion. Afterwards the Italians had trouble fighting Russia and UK and US because of everyone beating coming from 50 different sides. Even Italy couldn’t keep up with the combined production. New Russian forces were on their way and were stationed in the Baltic States to move. Italy failed to defeat England and America in West Germany. ( They bypassed France surprisingly) Now America invaded Germany and succeeded this time. Italy couldn’t fight everyone. Especially with everyone on them. Also to add to the problem, Russia took back Caucasus and the Middle East and Italy had no resources to take it back because everyone was at their capital getting ready to invade. Italy would’ve held out for a long time because they kicked everyone away from the capital but couldn’t get Germany back. However the air force made things easy for Italy.
Japan: This was interesting because Japan had done what it always does in my games. It bails all land units out of China and invades Russia. Then while that happens, Japan builds only boats to fight America with and take over the whole Pacific. Japan took over ANZAC easily earning its bonuses for western centers and the DEI bonus and the outer defense island bonus. Between Russian money and with Italian occupation of India giving them that bonus as well, Japan became…… You guessed it an 80 IPC country. With that power fighting America was easy. I can’t count the number of times I destroyed the American Pacific navy and air force. I even took over Western United States and held it for 2 turns. The interesting thing was the fight with Russia which never got of the ground because we stopped. After destroying the original 18 infantry, I built a major IC in Korea and with I made 5 infantry and 5 artillery a turn. For a very long time and just pumped them into Russia. At the Urals I met the Russian force that my opponent built to fight Japan with. This was possible due to the Russian money from the German spaces and the middle east later on. There was a line of Japanese ground units in the East Russia spaces. Getting ready to single-handedly take over Russia. Then the game ended.
The funny thing about this game is that it had been over a long time ago. I won on the Pacific side. Italy had Calcutta. Japan had Sydney Manilla Tokyo Honolulu and San Francisco. This was on like something like turn 8 and we decided to play until something like turn 20. Italy was going down the toilet and Germany had been there since the beginning. Japan was fighting America and Russia all by themselves and probably could’ve done it if the game kept going.