• @Clyde85:


    btw, how do you guys use cavalry in your games?

    I think my partner said it best “Their just F*****'s on horses right?”  :lol: so we went from, they have the same combat roll as starting infantry but can move 2 spaces an if they attack and survive to the end, they have an option to push threw into a bordering terittory if it is unoccupied by enemy troops. Also they have no artillery support options.

    is western front a seperate map?

    No, the map I use is of Europe and the middle east (including all of saudi arabia and a few sea zones around it). I was thinking fornt specific maps might be a good idea but only after the “world” map and game are done.

    then i might give some ideas ^^
    my game map goes from portugal to ± moscow and kazachstan (very small and non-important)
    , and south norway to north africa.there are cavalry units (the mechs)
    also researchable(?) tank unit, with just 2 defence and 1 move (so a bull-dozer)
    there are many convoys along the coast (notoriously around ottoman middle-east territories, around north africa, and france; with 1 near Bremen. I also included the russian revolution; the russians have 5-6 victory cities. if 3 have fallen, the chinese inf join the axis; they can be placed everywhere: 1 inf every 2/3 territories.
    no railways, bombers are zeppelins, and transports cost 10.

  • All intresting stuff Frontovik, our maps sound similar, focusing on the important stuff. Our map dosnt really allow for convoy raiding A&A style per-say, though losing certian sea zones will hurt certian countries economically. Also our combat system focuses more on the artillery bombardment and that sort of stuff.

    We dont include the Russian revolution directly, again this is something we chose to handle in-directly. The goal of the game isnt so much to conquer your opponents and to win, but to make your opponents lose.

  • @Clyde85:

    All intresting stuff Frontovik, our maps sound similar, focusing on the important stuff. Our map dosnt really allow for convoy raiding A&A style per-say, though losing certian sea zones will hurt certian countries economically. Also our combat system focuses more on the artillery bombardment and that sort of stuff.

    We dont include the Russian revolution directly, again this is something we chose to handle in-directly. The goal of the game isnt so much to conquer your opponents and to win, but to make your opponents lose.

    many territories?

  • Yes, the land map has many territories, but we chose to simplify the sea zones and naval battles mechanics as much as possible.

  • ah, with me it’s bit other way. the first round there are many small naval battles, especially in med. ottoman, austrian and german fleet(subs) chosing to kill which navies; warships or convoys(transports), and where and from which country etc.

  • my WW1 game doesnt have 2 many territories, but combat is limited to 2 rounds per turn. If you want I could post the map and or rules, just dont copy them :) .

    here are my units + there stats. (warning theres alot)

    Unit stats

                    Atk  Def  move    cost
    Conscript infantry   1 1        1          2
    Conscript infantry get -1 attack or defence when fighting tanks on a 3:1 ratio of conscripts to tanks depending on the combat. IE if there attacking they lose 1 attack and when defending they lose 1 defence. You may only buy 8 conscripts per turn.

    Infantry      1        2        1        3
    Are supported by artillery on a 1:1 ratio

    Assault infantry    2      3         1         5
    Assault infantry get +1 Attack in the first cycle of combat
    Are supported by artillery on a 1:1 ratio

    Calvary 2      1           2          4
    Can blitz territories

    Artillery    3        3          1          5
    Can support all infantry units on a 1:1ratio,
    Supported units get +1 attack.

    Tank 4 2        2          6
    Tanks take to hits to kill. Requires tank tech.
    Tanks take away the attack/defence power of conscripts on a 3:1 ratio of conscripts to tanks.

    Atk  Def  move    cost                   
    Fighter      2        2          3          7
    Can provide artillery an opening fire bombardment of 1 on a 1:1 ratio of artillery to fighters

    Scout plane 1      2          4            8
    Can provide artillery opening fire at a 1 on a 2:1 ratio of artillery to scout planes

    Bombers 3 1 5 11
    Can do strategic bombing raids on industry or naval ports. Can provide artillery opening fire at a 1 on a 3:1 ratio of artillery to bombers

    Infrastructure Atk Def Move Cost
    Defensive forts  0      1or2*      0          8
    Defensive forts roll 1 die per ship passing through the sea zone hitting at a 1. During an amphibious assault they hit land units on a 2 and get an opening fire at landing craft landing troops. These are not killed only captured. They take 2 hits to become none operational.
    They cost 3 to get repaired.

    AA guns            0        1        1          N/A
    AA guns roll 1 die per attacking air plane hitting at a 1.

    Naval Ports 0 0 0 N/A
    Naval ports let you protect your ships from harm by letting you garrison your ships in them making them immune to naval attack, but it takes 1 move to go in and out of naval ports. You may build ships at naval ports, limited to 1 per turn.

    Industry 0 0   0 N/A
    Industry is where you deploy your men, you can deploy double the amount of infantry  of the territories income value but all other unit can only be deployed up to the territories income value I.E. South France is worth 2 so you can place 4 infantry and 2 other units there(Not infantry or conscripts).

    Atk  Def  move    cost                   
    Transport  0        0          2          8
    Can carry 1 infantry and 1 other land unit or air unit. Air units do not participate in amphibious assaults or naval battles well on a transport must be the last casualty in combat.

    Destroyer  2        2          2          8
    Stops subs from submerging and negates there opening fire. Can bombard at a 1 on a 1:1 ratio of Land units to ships

    Carriers 0   1     2         17
    Carriers can Carrie 2 scout plane or 2 fighter plane or 1 of each. Carrier’s gets to roll 1 die hitting at a 1 per attacking aircraft prior to combat. Requires carrier tech to buy.

    Cruisers 3 3 2 12
    Can bombard on a 2 on a ratio of 1:1 of ships to land units

    Battleship 4        4          2          20
    Takes two hits to sink they cost 3 to repair and they have to be in a naval port.  Can bombard on a 3 on a 1:1 ratio of land units to ships

    Subs          2        2          2            8
    Subs get a opening fire before combat. If your defensive force is only subs and your opponent has a destroyer present you can elect 1 sub to stay and fight while the rest submerge prior to combat. Subs resurface next turn. Subs can move through hostile sea zones and stay in them as long as no destroyers are present.

    *note I had naval ports and cruisers before AA50 & AA global came out.

  • why can’t i copy?
    it’s not like i’m a pro, i just use black markers, too much free time, a large avaible cartboard and pieces from G40 :P
    and of course, KISS-rules

  • but back to world war 1.
    or even better; what does everybody think of the russian civil war?

  • @Frontovik:

    what does everybody think of the russian civil war?

    Its an intresting time period, lot of colorful charaters like Gen. Kornilov and Admiral Kolchack. There was a great book I read called “Red Victory” which was a rather complete history of all sides and forces involved


    if anyone is intrested in checking it out, link is above. A bit long but well worth the read.

  • @Clyde85:


    what does everybody think of the russian civil war?

    Its an intresting time period, lot of colorful charaters like Gen. Kornilov and Admiral Kolchack. There was a great book I read called “Red Victory” which was a rather complete history of all sides and forces involved


    if anyone is intrested in checking it out, link is above. A bit long but well worth the read.

    superb! just what i needed! really really thank you!

  • @Frontovik:

    superb! just what i needed! really really thank you!

    We aim to please  :-D

    It really is an intresting period. I do feel bad for the whites sometimes, there were a number of instances where they very nearly won. I think the best chances for the whites to win would have been if Pater Warngle had taken over command of the Western Whites from Denikin earlier, if Kolchack had cracked down of the Cossacks along the trans-sibeiran railroad from the get go, and in the best case, Gen. Kornilov hadnt been killed so early in the civil war. These men, espically Wrangle, could have made all the difference.

  • Have you ever played Diplomacy?

  • @suprise:

    Have you ever played Diplomacy?

    I used to play often when I was in high school but I havent played it in a while. I just bought a new copy of the game over the summer but I havent gotten to play it. Actually, considering I’ve pirated the pieces for work on a WW1 game, I dnt know if I could play even if I wanted to!  :lol:

  • I enjoy the deal making and backstabbing,  more deal making.  I think if you could encorporate some W.W.1 pieces you could have a game as fun as the W.W.2 version.  Subs, Battle Ships, Cruisers,  Inf & Cav,  Tanks and Art.  Roll on a 6 sided,  like I said it’s all about the deal making

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    One should take a Sci-Fi alternate universe twist on WWI / WW2 era gaming.

    Imagine, you can use all the tech/equipment from say, a 1930’s era,  and put it on a new map, with new alliances, ideologies, possibilities, and more.

    As long as you get a cool theme, and a fun map, this would be hella - cool, and you can break through all kinds of “repetetive theme gaming”.

    Or, imagine if it was settlers of Catan style, where the map was random everytime…. WOOT!

  • @Gargantua:

    One should take a Sci-Fi alternate universe twist on WWI / WW2 era gaming.

    Sir, you have oddly specific tastes, but your ship has come in  :-D


    Check it out and enjoy!

  • what’s so great bout diplomacy?

  • It can be everybody against everybody, unless you form alliances only to renig on a treaty and attack. one molment your in an allience with a country and then they are your enemy

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