@king_of_tanks not sure there current status. This thread may be helpful
I’ve played the board game and just got the original CD game, but I know next to nothing about computers and even less about the internet. Where do I get started?? Any help would be appreciated.
You need to download a patch, found at spring1942.org
You also need to modify your Directx file if your using Directx8.0 or higher.
Thank you for the reply. I found the patch and downloaded it. But It gave me an error message and then corrupted my game so that i could not play at all!! I’m not sure what to do now. I had to reinstall the game and download direct x 8.1 back into my computer. My brother-in law actually helped me with all this. Should i try to play anyway? With out the patch?
Spring’s version of the patch may be corrupt.
Try downloading the patch from here: