thank you Zhukov44
German Fleet
As Germany how wise is it to build anything for the German Baltic fleet except subs?
Assume that Germany builds transports the first couple of turns to feint sea-lion then uses those transports and the german fleet for bombarding the Soviet Union in later rounds. Other than subs to annoy and possible cripple the U.K. economy, what good does building any surface war ship for germany do? It cant hope to compete for naval supperiority if it has any half decent plans to take Moscow.
Germany can sink the starting British fleet fairly easily, so building a navy to beat that isn’t necessary. And ships are simply too expensive for Germany to attempt to beat a US Atlantic navy while going for Russia. It could be viable if Moscow falls, though. Even subs, though, don’t work too well if the US builds a couple of destroyers.
I rarely buy much in the way of navy for Germany, even sub buys are scarce. I’m usually too busy getting tanks, mechs and aircraft to attack Russia. Once Moscow is taken and Germany has all that Russian plunder plus all the money from all the extra territories and NOs, then I might start trying to build some warships to try and fend off the US Navy in the Atlantic. Although, usually once Moscow and Stalingrad have fallen, and assuming Italy did well and got Cairo, the Axis win the game in Europe with Victory Cities: Berlin, Warsaw, Paris, Rome, Cairo, Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. That’s 8 of 11: Axis wins.
So, unless you want to continue the game to see if the Axis could TOTALLY dominate the Europe board, no need to buy any new stuff for Germany.
One to two subs a turn is not a bad idea for the germans. First of all you take away a British NO, secondly building one off the coast of southern France threatens the gibraltar sea zone. There’s a legitimate chance of knocking out a few transports outside of gibraltar with a few subs from the med and air power from west Germany. Although to do it you need Italy or Germany to hold Morocco as that’s the only landing space available for fighters and tacs from w Germany.
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