Hi alecug,
Hey, we were all new once. ;)
A list of acronyms that are thrown around this site quite a bit can be found here:
I hope you find that info useful, and welcome!
Can some explain national advantages and how to use them. Would be greatly appreciated.
NAs were older Axis and Allied canon, they were power-specific “techs” each side started the game with. Like mech infantry for the Germans and destroyer infantry carrying capacity for the Japanese. Not sure on the specifics for the older games, however. Someone’d have to look them up.
You can check them out in the Revised rulebook:
Most of them were pretty cool actually, it would be neat if Larry would update them for G40. And give Japan some better ones because they had crap NA’s.
Look up NA or National Advantages on the forum. Oztea makes some really good ones that I’m a big fan of.
My national Advantages are not official in any way.
To use them I reccomend, for the allies. Rolling 3 Dice per power, and letting that player choose 2 of the 3 options rolled on the dice. (For instance, if the US rolls a 1, 3, and 4; it may choose any 2 of those NA’s)
For the Axis I reccomend rolling 3 Dice per power, and letting that player choose 2. And also, to allow each axis power to pick one from its chart that it wishes. So the Axis gets 3 per power, and the allies get 2 per power
2 * 5 Allies (excluding france) = 10 NAs
3 * 3 Axis = 9 NAs
France, in my NAs, has some axis favored, and some allied favored advantages.
For them its really a taste issue. NAs 1 and 6 can not be combined. Perhaps let an axis player roll 2 dice and pick one NA, then the allies roll 2 and pick one NA for France.
Personally I like combining them all but thats just me :-D
You can check them out in the Revised rulebook:
Most of them were pretty cool actually, it would be neat if Larry would update them for G40. And give Japan some better ones because they had crap NA’s.
I like them too, excepted for the russian lend lease NA. This one totally breaks the game IMO.
What is the Murmansk convoy? I agree totally . It can make a good house rule.
I really like the rulebook but what about Italy, China, France, and Anzac? Any ideas? Seems like these can potentially be game changers if used right. Also digging the history and realism it brings to the game.
Like I said look up NAs on the forum. Oztea has made some realy good ones.
The NAs from the revised rulebook are hardly compatable with AA 40