So my opponent has stated that he intends to try the IC in Romania G1 strategy, with an all out drive on Moscow. I also believe he will include taking Sfrance and Paris G1, but don’t know what he will do in the Atlantic. I have also been able to glean that Japan will most likely go with an India Crush strategy that bypasses the Chinese. I think he would be willing to sacrifice his fleet in defense of the money islands, and perhaps intends to build IC’s in Korea or FIC.
I am confident in my abilities, but I was wondering specifically what people have done as Russia in response to a Romanian IC build. If it is followed by German naval builds in the BLACK sea (say 1 trn 1 CR 1dd would it be advised to counter with russian aircraft or disregard. My initial plan as Russia was to forgo infantry production and instead go arty and tanks while coalescing my army in the South. If he does indeed go Romanian IC, then I think I will also withdraw from the Japanese. Will this work or should I instead concentrate my builds on infantry and aircraft?