The most popular move is to build 1 AC, 2 destroyers on turn 1 if you kept your BB. If not, make a suicide run for africa with your canada trans and buy planes - 2 or 3.
Even if the UK loses the BB on Germany’s opening round you should build the 1 AC, 2 destroyers, unless G has bought 2 bombers and/or it didn’t lose any of its starting subs and planes. If you want to have an idea of the odds for a possible G2 attack on the UK fleet check the Fortress Europe thread on my signature.
A trick I’m willing to share that I think is a game changer that I don’t see discussed on here is to take your Australian trans with sub, bring an Aussie and the INF in NZ and head to africa the long way. You’ll get there in 3 rounds/ Japan may come after you but it will be at the expense of doing other, more important things.
To me that move is risky. The Japanese can attack it with their sub with better odds. And you’re leaving Australia/NZ easier to be conquered by Japan, which means less 3 IPCs per round for the UK permanently. The 2 Inf can help on Africa but if Japan goes for it then you will need more units (usually the Americans to deal with the situation).
The main objectives of the UK are usually
- Keep their Atlantic fleet alive to harass Germany and provide relief to the Russians (which can be needed right on the first round!)
- Keep their income on the 30+ (by keeping Africa under its control, taking Norway, etc.)
- Act as a speed bump for Japan on the Pacific (like Col. Stauffenberg correctly mentioned, keeping India is impossible during the initial/medium phases of the game).