You want the 1936 map! It has the terrain printed on it, and as I understand it, you can use it for a 1939 set up. Really the maps have slight differences. I think the Global War is moving in the direction of the 1936 map. I am trying to justify buying it now. Real question is 36" x 72" (3 ft by 6 ft) or 48" X 72" (4 ft by 8 ft) 1936 map!!! From what I gather if you have the room and are using 3D sculpts for bases, you may want the larger map. :roll:
1939 Map
Hey coach…
I was looking over your set-up charts and have a question: what do you use to distinguish SS Panzers from regular armor units?
Use my SS roundels from the special units.
Color your panthers a different color, I sprayed some silver for one person.
Use the grey tanks from revised, I have those too.I have got you coveted ! :-)
Like the map?
Yeah, the map is awesome, my favorite A&A board yet…
Played another game of global 39. Got some really good pictures of game, enjoy.
I would like to try your variant next week-end but I have 2 questions:
- What is the rule for fortification?
Is it really +2 for all infantry for the first round or as I saw elsewere +2 by infantry when matched 1/1 with a fortification? And also can you buy new fortification and place them anywhere you want? Even on the first turn you conquered a teritory?
- What is the rule for strict neutral?
Can you attack them whitout any penality?
What is the exact rule for the american submarine at 3?
Where is the best place ot obtain the latest version of the rule and the setup?
I would like to try your variant next week-end but I have 2 questions:
- What is the rule for fortification?
Is it really +2 for all infantry for the first round or as I saw elsewere +2 by infantry when matched 1/1 with a fortification? And also can you buy new fortification and place them anywhere you want? Even on the first turn you conquered a teritory?
- What is the rule for strict neutral?
Can you attack them whitout any penality?
What is the exact rule for the american submarine at 3?
Where is the best place ot obtain the latest version of the rule and the setup?
#1 All infantry defend at a +2 on the first turn of combat. We played that you can’t purchase fortifications, but I suggest if you do that they cost at least 20 IPC;s and you have to own the territory for a turn before you can place.
#2 I left the strict neutrals alone and , they are neutral and are not swayed one way or the other. I am looking at a rule to be able to sway a neutral to your side.
#3 U.S. torpedoes at the beginning of the war were very unreliable. I think the pre war stockpile were 75% duds.
#4 I’ll post the latest revision of setups and rules Monday night.
Hope you enjoy the game, some feedback on how your game goes would be cool. One word of advice : start early and plan to play late, the game doesnt really start to get fun until round 8. also If Japan and Russia are not at war then allow Germany and Japan to move at the same time. And until Russia enters the war allow them to move with the UK. This will allow the game to progress faster until all countries are at war.
Adam -
Hi Adam,
Quote from: bachus on April 03, 2011, 08:19:10 am
Hi,I would like to try your variant next week-end but I have 2 questions:
- What is the rule for fortification?
Is it really +2 for all infantry for the first round or as I saw elsewere +2 by infantry when matched 1/1 with a fortification? And also can you buy new fortification and place them anywhere you want? Even on the first turn you conquered a teritory?
- What is the rule for strict neutral?
Can you attack them whitout any penality?
What is the exact rule for the american submarine at 3?
Where is the best place ot obtain the latest version of the rule and the setup?
#1 Fortification: I was considering (house rule) : The fortification that are on the board at the setup are majors fortications and you can’t build more (maginot line, gibraltar,…) and they give a +2 to all infantry on the first turn of combat. But you can also build minor fortification on a territory you own at the start of your turn to a max of 1 per turn per territory at a cost of 6 ipc. They defend at 2 and give à +2 to one inf. The minors fortifications could be a great defensive unit.
What do you think about it?#2 I left the strict neutrals alone and , they are neutral and are not swayed one way or the other. I am looking at a rule to be able to sway a neutral to your side.
Do you mean that we can’t attack the strict neutrals or that if we attack one of them they all swing to the oposite side (as in global1940). But what can you do to attack norway or denmark?
#3 U.S. torpedoes at the beginning of the war were very unreliable. I think the pre war stockpile were 75% duds.
Ok, but when (which turn) did the US subs stop being at 3 (and go back to 4)? Turn 10?
#4 I’ll post the latest revision of setups and rules Monday night.
Would anyone be interested in a Abattlemap module of this game? Like the one I made of “Axis & Allies Global War (New Downloadable Map Link)”
I have posted updated setup charts and rules. If you have anymore questions ask, it has really helped me out with this game. Thanks
Would anyone be interested in a Abattlemap module of this game? Like the one I made of “Axis & Allies Global War (New Downloadable Map Link)”
I would love a abbatlemap version of this map,
i think others would too
one question:
if germany takes Warsaw on G1, do they get their money?
how much is polands starting IPC? -
One more thing i didnt understand,
on the setup chart, it says; 4 inf in finland, but on the map there are 3 different territories in Finland, Torin, Helsinki and VIipuri. so where should the inf be placed?
all in helsinki ? -
doses everyone aggere that these rules are good enough for a good game?
one question:
if germany takes Warsaw on G1, do they get their money?
how much is polands starting IPC?Warsaw doesn’t start out with any cash.
One more thing i didnt understand,
on the setup chart, it says; 4 inf in finland, but on the map there are 3 different territories in Finland, Torin, Helsinki and VIipuri. so where should the inf be placed?
all in helsinki ?Helsinki. Thanks for that find!
thanks for replies
Would anyone be interested in a Abattlemap module of this game? Like the one I made of “Axis & Allies Global War (New Downloadable Map Link)”
I would love a abbatlemap version of this map,
i think others would too
ok… I’ll do it… maybe a few weeks for the first version
Great TMTM. your the best!
but do you use units for neutral ? i dont have neutral units, and do you have several sets of units? i dont think i have enough units to play it, for example i only have G 40, and that has no yamato battleship…
I’ve have some additional questions:
- Naval Bomber and Naval Fighter:
Did those planes can attack land units or only ships? If they can also attack land units can they use the target capability on them? Since they have the same value (other than ipc cost) then regular plane if they can attack all type of units, why someone would buy regular plane?
Can fortress be captured or they are treated like a normal land unit?
Romania: In the rule it say that Romania have 6 ipc but it is only 4 on the map…
Minors: If we give the ipc to germany did the minor can still use the “build in” minor industry to produce german troops in theirs territories?
Can germany attack Vichy France?
Did Anzac and other UK minors move and attack at the same time (In global40 Anzac have a seprate turn…).
There is no naval base in marseille which was an important port for the french, is it normal?
If you attack a strict neutral did it become allied with axis or the allied depending on which side attack them?
How technology work? Since there is no log sheet or any info that can give us the way we can acquired technology. Did there is another document or chart somewhere?
Before the us is at war did the special situation (ex: Germany/Italy attacks Great Britain +20 IPC’s) really give an extra 20 IPCS to the us or it simply help the US to reach faster the needed 80 ipcs to declare war on axis?
Paratroopers: During a paradrop did the pratrooper attack at 4 or 3?
I know you guys have been playing it( tigerman77 and coachofmany) and i just noticed:
there is only 4 spaces betwen normandy and washington, so that US can invade/liberate france directly from US coast in one turn, just wondered if that made a negative impact on the game. -
but do you use units for neutral ? i dont have neutral units, and do you have several sets of units? i dont think i have enough units to play it, for example i only have G 40, and that has no yamato battleship…
For neutrals I use US pieces from my other games and painted them white. If you don;t have any extra pieces then don’t set them up. It isn’t important to have them set up, just most people perfer it. For the Yamato I just panted 2 Japanese Battleships yellow or you can use the red ones from the 1999 pacific game. Go to and you will find all you need their.