Of course. There’s no reason to play with anything else if the box rules work for you.
Well….I’m a bit frustrated here…
I paid a fair amount of money for a huge game. Which already turned out as a bummer when I opened it. (the usual rants…no Russian units, crappy battleboards etc).
Then I play one game, which was pretty good.
Then I find here all kinds of stuff how unbalanced it is, and that the designer of the game himself is redefining the rules and such.
I have no way time to figure out all of the changes, get it acquainted in my playgroup, get the right game additives adjusted etc in a week, so next week we will play by the old rules.
…while all the time I am thinking…great…somewhere on the internet, the designer of this game is admitting it’s rather bad and redefining a lot of stuff.
I bought a board game, for a lot of money, and I expect it to work.
If I continue playing by the old rules, and never show my face on the internet again, will my playgroup suddenly say…“Dude, this game actually sucks. The Axis/Allies have a huge advantage and it is unbalanced. Let’s go back to AA50.” ?