I don’t even think it’s a that much a function of the D6. Think of how upsetting it would be if you were using a 20 sided dice rolling at a one and it hit!?
I’d wonder if low luck for SBR AA would be better? Triple A can handle that. You have to ask the question then why not LL for normal AA.
You made a good point IMO.
Lower is the odds of making a hit, the higher AAA shot can be called “unpredictable” and can create hilarious or desastrous outcomes, depending of POV of defender or attacker.
**The game is unrealistic with regards to strategic bombing.
And yes with a D6 that is just really not something to be changed at all.Interception would take down a few bombers and the rest would just attack your facilities.
In the game if you win the interception nothing happens no damage at all, if AA hits again no damage at all. Normaly you only shoot down a % of the bombers.
Also attacking bomber formations would be able to defend themself and where known especialy later in the war to shoot down plenty of fighters so bomber defence @1 represents that.**The interceptor @1 and the AA @1 just represent that fact, also the bombers rolling for damage iso just doing a fixed number represents that.
It will never be realistic whatever houserule you devise and how balanced you say your houserule is.
Its a game not a simulation if you really want to change the game to more realism move to D12 system or even D20 and overhaul the whole combat system then at least you can have more variance that isnt jumping up that much.Currently your return on investment that you can expect with a bomber is around 3 ipcs in total if you do strat bombing a lot, that bomber attacking in a land battle will hit and inf as well.
And that is only if you attack a factory that needs to be used, If you bomb india for 6 damage they might completely ignore it and produce 4 units you did 0 damage but risked 12 ipcs worth of production.
These points make a lot of sense.
An all or nothing strategic bombing raid seems unhistorical.
If flak and interceptor hit, there is no damage; while no hit makes for an highly damaged IC.
The real things was in between. Extremes were exceptional event in WWII while mitigated raids were common, as far as I know.
You made me think about an alternate way of doing SBR, without changing basic OOB StB A1 Fg A1 D1 combat values.
I will post something in House rule later. Thanks.
Edit: Here is the link to the House rule alternate SBR mechanic:
Strategic Bombing Raid (SBR): an alternate mechanic for 1942.2 and G40