• Hello to the AA communty . We are axis allies players from Turkey who have recently began playing this exciting and wonderfull game.We have been going through the posts in this forum. We have realized there are lots of custom rules  maps  and units . İ have found out you have modified the map somehow and using lots of tactics and custom units  :roll: .İ  have couple of questions .İ will be happy if you can help me out with these issues.
    1.How did you guys manage to customize the map to make it bigger ,physical etc.

    2.how does the bid system actually work ?
    3.Are you using any custom models in place  of actual models .İf so what sizemodels.  do you use and do  you paint them?And how do you find the military symbols stickers that match the model size.  1/72  1/48  1/1000 ? )
    4.When conducting strategic bombing Raids  İf there are any fighters in the sector. DO they intercept bombers or just AA turrets?
    5.WHen 2 Navies clash  lets say both sides have submarines  without any destroyers present .Will they be able to detect each others Submarines and will there be an initial submarine fight among them before other units engage and will the submarines be able to fire after the initial submarine fight.


  • Okay I’ll try to keep this as short as possible ;-)

    1. Not at all. I personally don’t think map changes are useful because most players unbalanced things more than they balance them. If you like bigger games, I can suggest trying the Anniversary Edition, Europe 1940 or Pacific 1940, or Global 1940 (Europe+Pacific together), but for the start Revised is very good to get used to the game.

    2. A bid gives a side, either Axis or Allies, additional IPCs before game start, which they can use to buy units that are placed on the board before game start. This is done to balance the game. Revised mostly uses a bid of 8 or 9 for the Axis, whereas e.g. Anniversary uses an Allies bid. The units purchased with the bid money can be placed in any friendly territory usually, but only 1 unit per territory (that’s common but upon your agreement). When you bid for a side, say Axis in Revised, you could e.g. bid 12 for Axis, your friend goes lower to 11, you say 9, he says 8, then you say you pass, so he gets Axis and a bid of 8. So the bids go lower and lower until the sides are determined.

    3. No idea ^^ I am not really good at that.

    4. Just AA guns may fire on the bombers. Fighter interception is not possible in bombing raids. This is a reason why you may want to use the LHTR heavy bomber rules (then heavy bombers choose their best dice of the 2 they have in attacks, the better one +1 for bombing raids, but can’t take both) if you play with tech because heavy bombers are a bit overpowered.

    5. Yes, kinda. If no destroyers are present, the subs have their first strike ability. So the subs of both sides would fire first in your first turn of combat, then casualties are taken (note: must be sea units), then the remaining units fire. After the first turn of combat, surviving subs can submerge and then not take part in combat anymore (also can’t be taken as losses then anymore). If they don’t, repeat the same process as above, subs first strike, then other units fire, for the remaining combat. If a destroyer is present, it prevents enemy subs from submerging and takes away their first strike (so you can fire back with all units, even when the sub hits some they still get to fire back) as long as the destroyer is alive.

    I hope this answers most of your questions


  • If you want a bigger map you could pick up AA1942 and then print one of IL’s maps for AA42. I have heard that it really helps using the bigger map. Look in the Spring 1942 forums and you will come across his name and the maps are in his signature area.

  • i really appraciate and thank you  for explaning most of the issues

    However … we had this game last night with some of friends. i was in Allied side as Russia and my friend was controling British and Usa tropps.  while other 2 took axis… game lasted bout 4 hours or 5 i think not sure.it was one of the best fun time we had  on that game . Especcially with russain and german front lol.
    But when it came to USA turn in 5. or 6 round not sure abouth the rounds thoug.Usa moved his fleet to japan . and encountered 3 japanesse subs…  i think USA had like (2 aircraft carrier 4 fighters 1 battleship 1 transport 1 sub). Than we started arguing abouth either the japanesee subs can stay submerged  or nor  .Because there are no destroyers in the American fleet.But According to which Darkman said we started the combat  japan sea (not remembering the sector number).first  all subs fired to each other  and casualities removed than after usa submarine is destroyed.We  faced another hard argument :p there was like 2 japan subs and a fleet without a sub or destroyer.So we didnt know either the japaneese player could pick up to be submerged or not .İ mean does he have the choice? Althoug it was not his round. İt was American round… Eventually we played  just the first round of the combat. and american fleet fired back. and destroyed the subs.  (Fighters atacked as well ).Did we do something wrong? :s

    And another question  :mrgreen:

    İs spring 1942 a better game ?  and includes more models or stuff :P

  • @Battal:

    İs spring 1942 a better game ?  and includes more models or stuff :P

    Much better game. It includes the rules from 50th Anniversary Edition and includes the cruiser.

  • Official Q&A


    Did we do something wrong?

    No, you played it correctly.

  • We  faced another hard argument :p there was like 2 japan subs and a fleet without a sub or destroyer.So we didnt know either the japaneese player could pick up to be submerged or not .İ mean does he have the choice? Althoug it was not his round. İt was American round… Eventually we played  just the first round of the combat. and american fleet fired back. and destroyed the subs.  (Fighters atacked as well ).Did we do something wrong? :s

    No, you didn’t. No destroyers present -> Japanese subs have first strike and fire, casualties are removed, then US fires back. AFTER the first turn of combat, subs can submerge if there is no enemy destroyer present. If they are killed though first turn of combat, shit happens. NOTE: This is the Revised rules. In v3 rules (like in Anniversary Edition or so) subs can submerge instantly (there are other differences too).

    İs spring 1942 a better game ?  and includes more models or stuff

    I admit I am not familiar with Spring 1942, unless it’s the same as the 1942 Anniversary Edition setup. What I can really recommend is the Anniversary Edition (contains 41 and 42 setup), but it’s expensive. The Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940 combine to Global 1940, which seems to be a good but very long game.

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