@Wittmann @Private-Panic @DoManMacgee please don’t further answer as the accounts will be banned due to (later inserted) spam links.
Thank you for the hint, @DoManMacgee !
Just received the game! Anyone have setup in a document?
I just received the game and having read the setups, and having read the national objectives and having heard about Larry’s latest change to Pacific setup, I was wondering if anyone had a document where all these are contained? AA50 was great because each nation had its own card.
I’m sure someone out there made them. Cant remember the name or the post. Can anyone lead me to there?
also, where was the full list of units? I think im missing some stuff…. my italian only have 1 Battleship for exmaple
Oh wow, dumb me. The setups are just above, at Bob_A -.-
Still need to know the units per nation
Still need to know the units per nation
There is a list at the Europe 40 entry of boardgamegeek.com, and someone posted a list of his units here on the forum (prolly on page 2), which lead to others posting theirs…showing quite some differences.
I am still missing all my Russian units… :cry: