Are Tech Dice back to only one roll per 5 IPCs spent?

  • Nothing in the rules this time around about whether the tech dice are rolled again next round if they miss (like the research dice in AA50) or if you have to spend money all over again.  I’m assuming its back to the previous tech rules for Revised and Classic, but there’s nothing said about what to do even if your research rolls fail.

    Can somebody clarify this, please?  (Kreighund, IL?)

  • The rulebook sayes that we purchase die/dice. There is nothing about tokens.

  • So “fails”, dice are gone and need to be rebought.  The “research dice” and “researcher” thingums are separate, got it.

  • I was sad that it is not like AA50.

  • It should be like AA50, this encourages more tech play.  I hope this will be a considered change in the Global FAQs.

  • Back to Classic system (but with 2 tech trees instead of 1)? That sucks! The best system was, by far, the one from AA50, and the second, the one from Revised

  • Hey guys… your house your rules. If you like the tech tokens then stick with it.  If every nation gets tokens it shouldn’t break balance.  Obviously techs can cause balance issues but you feel free to play with a custom rule. :P  Perhaps make the tech tokens cost 7 instead of 5 but probably 10.  Anyhow, i’m sure you already knew this but you wanted the rules to reflect how tech should work.

  • I liked the system for tech in AA50, but I often wondered if old tech tokens should have some upkeep to keep the research going… lets say1 ipc per turn for old tokens if tech is not reached.

  • @jeffdestroyer:

    I liked the system for tech in AA50, but I often wondered if old tech tokens should have some upkeep to keep the research going… lets say1 ipc per turn for old tokens if tech is not reached.

    Actually upkeep is good or seems like a good alternative.

  • Personally I prefer the system in revised.  I think its much better to choose what your trying to develop.  I mean how often would scientists be trying to develop super subs and accidentally come up with heavy bomber?!

  • But in Revised tech rolls where very excepcional, and I never rolled for Jet Fighters after many, many games  :| I want tech being part of the game, and not a last hope lucky shoot. The only system that offers that is AA50

  • I did like the research token system in AA50, but the rules would have to be revised a little bit for this game.  With America’s income they could buy 2 or 4 tech tokens a turn if they felt like it.  I think if you bring back the tokens you should increase their cost to 10 to scale for the increased income in the game.

  • Maybe, but just remember that Japan and Germany also have many many income … and anyway it was rare in AA50 rolling with more than 2 dies because you risked to get super crappy art or radar

    Still, with the systems from Revised or Classic, nothing stops from USA or any rich country rolling 2-4 dies …

  • For those that don’t have AA50 and would like the research tokens and tech from AA50, here is a couple of links for the tokens and chart, rules, etc.

    These were posted in the AA42 section at BGG but can be used for AAG40. Maybe. New tokens for the new nations in the game will have to be made or just use the tokens provided with AAG40 in its separate games.

  • I agree. This “optional tech” rule pretty much means the same playing with it as without. It’s a bad buy. And if you disagree, then fine. But you probable don’t know how to play. Or maybe your just lucky. But for those who want a new system (even better than AA50) I will be coming up with a house rule. I’m developing it right now. Will post it here when finalized.

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