Thank you for the clarification. :)
Clarification with US Wartime Income
So let me try to understand this. When the US wartime economy kicks in, and the Philippines hasn’t been taken yet, is their income 62? And when the Philippines is taken it drops to 55?
Yes. Eventually, you get so used to collecting 55 that even when you take a DEI or retake the philippines, you still think you collect 55
I don’t get this Philippines is worth 2.
Ya but US has a national objective worth 5. (5+2=7). so 62-7=55
Proud American, Dylan the Canadian…why didn’t I name myself “Arrogant Frenchman?” :lol:
So true, how often I have gotten so use to collecting 55 IPC’s as the USA player that I forget to collect any additional IPC’s later in the game if I take a DEI country or recapture the Phillipines.