• If somebody captures an an enemy’s convoy route, how many IPC’s do they gain?

    cdog44  :-D

  • Official Q&A

    It depends.

    Each convoy route is paired with one land territory, as indicated by its name.  When a land territory has an associated convoy route, both must be controlled by the same side (but not necessarily the same power) in order for income to be collected by the power controlling the territory.  If the land territory is controlled by one side and the convoy route is controlled by the other, no one collects income for the territory.  The only exception is China, which does not need to control a territory’s convoy route (if any) in order to get infantry “income” from it.

    Here are some examples:

    Example 1:  The US controls French Indo-China and its convoy route, so it collects income for the territory.  Japan then takes the French Indo-China Convoy Route, and the US’ income is reduced by 3, but Japan does not gain any income.  Japan subsequently takes French Indo-China, and its income is then increased.

    Example 2:  The US controls French Indo-China and its convoy route, so it collects income for the territory.  Japan then takes the French Indo-China Convoy Route, and the US’ income is reduced by 3, but Japan does not gain any income.  The UK subsequently takes the French Indo-China Convoy Route, restoring the US’ income from the territory.

    Example 3:  The US controls French Indo-China and its convoy route, so it collects income for the territory.  Japan then takes French Indo-China, and the US’ income is reduced by 3, but Japan does not gain any income, since the US still controls the associated convoy route.  The UK subsequently takes French Indo-China, gaining the income from the territory, since the US (its ally) controls the convoy route.  Japan loses no income, since it didn’t control both.

  • Assume that Japan controls French Indo-China and UK took the associated convoy route. Japan fights for this route and in the following sea battle all ships are destroyed. Can Japan claim the income or is the sea zone still controlled by UK ?

  • Official Q&A

    UK retains control of the convoy route.

  • Thanks Everyone!!!

  • that I interfere, but you could not give little bit more information.

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