Is the current size of the US military too small?

  • it was a joke mutharussia. what do you call 100,000 men with their hands up? the french army. :D

  • :roll: We are our own worst enemy. Oh well. America is great enough to make up for our short comings.

  • im gonna have to agree. we have always been a divided nation over many things. We are not united in the war on terror as we were in other wars. not being united hamperes our ability to act.

  • So it’s a good thing we’re divided.

  • NO IT IS NOT! :x

  • It’s good that we’re divided in the respect that it’s bad if we were united in the war in Iraq, the War on Terror, etc., not in the respect that we were united against it.

  • @Lizardbaby:

    Ha ha ha! How soon we forget. We loved the French in the first Iraq war. They where our allie and fought by our side. They flew missions over Iraq daily. What has changed? Has an entire nation become cowardly? Hmmmm. Makes one stop and think. Or not. It’s easier to get mad at them and change Frech Fries to Freedom Fries. After all, if you are not with us, your with the terrorists. <sigh>Yes, we need to increase the size of our military. Since enlistment is down 22% the only way to do that will be conscription. Have a nice day.</sigh>

    ahhh LB - i’m likin’ yah more and more.

    Does anyone here know the name Lafayette? Or King George?

    Now you rely on more recent history - more credible. Well done.

  • No, I’m pretty sure that the French didn’t help us at all during the Revolutionary War. And surely the Statue of Liberty wasn’t made by the French!

  • that was hundreds of years ago. their opinion has changed. and by the way, the statue of liberty was facing towards france, it was suppose to symbolize that THEIR country was the origin of liberty.

  • Well, then you say how much good the US did in WWII, because our opinion has changed.

  • Marine,
    Ummmm, no. The French Revolution was after the American Revolution.

    If we really need a larger military, why don’t we just feed them McDonalds for every meal. I hear that will make them much larger fast and it’s probabbly cheaper than MRE’s. Whose with me?!

  • @Lizardbaby:

    Ummmm, no. The French Revolution was after the American Revolution.

    If we really need a larger military, why don’t we just feed them McDonalds for every meal. I hear that will make them much larger fast and it’s probabbly cheaper than MRE’s. Whose with me?!

    don’t you guys already pay enough on health care?

  • Ha ha ha! Good one CC! :)

  • But that would come into play only after they left the army (and survived). I mean, they make good and slow targets in the mean time.
    And of course, if they die younger, that saves money for the retirement fonds.

  • marine is seeming more and more like the bastard child of Mutharussia and that spammer that was here awhile back.

  • i take offense to that janus1 :x

  • Moderator

    I am no mod but you guys are seemingly personally attacking Marine36…. cool it!!!


  • @Guerrilla:

    I am no mod but you guys are seemingly personally attacking Marine36…. cool it!!!


    as a mod, i feel i should say something . . .
    ummmm . . . be nice?

  • You guys suck at staying on topic. You really, really suck. Very badly :lol: .

    To clear up why we hate the french, it is becuase they originally said they would back the Iraq war and would support the bill, but when the UN held the summit they completely changed their policy and vetoed our resolution. The Germans betrayed us as well, but France has veto, so thye did more damage. Since then, it has spiraled out of control, in both nations, due to the media.

    Now, i think we should employ a larger army, but as we are a volunteer force, that would be difficult. I would not have a problem with a mandatory 2 year service in the military at a certain age, or some other form of conscription, but that wont ever happen in America, so i might as well forget about it. To increase troop supply for the important wars like Iraq, we need to reorganize our deployment. We need to pull out of all the nations we had troops in becuase of the Cold War, and we also need to pull our troops out of S. Korea, becuase thye are not doing anything their. SImply put, N. Korea wont be attakcing anyone, they cant afford to. Go the Korea topic if you feel like debating or want to hear my reasons.

    Another way we could increase troop supply is rearm Japan. Thye want desperatly to help in Iraq, and would always support America becuase we did, and still do, so much for their economy. They could get a large volunteer service together relatively quickly, and since the population has little fear of war compared to Europe, the people would undoubtedly support such a war by a majority or at least 50/50. The current size of Japan’s military forces is 180,000, but i beleive thatcould eb expanded at least two fold if promopted by America. Thats another 100,000 troops for Iraq at least. I dont think we should accept allowing Japan to help only in reconstruction and security in non-combat areas, like the recent bill allows. They should be equal participatants. OF course, America cant really force Jpaan to change it’s policy, but their are many politicians hwo want to change that policy. I think it could be done.

  • Moderator



    I am no mod but you guys are seemingly personally attacking Marine36…. cool it!!!


    as a mod, i feel i should say something . . .
    ummmm . . . be nice?

    forgive me CC…

    Referring to people dying so one can get money and calling someone a bastard and a spammer??

    You are the mod I am not denying it… But judge right besides your personal feelings please!!!


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